Anaheim Church-goers Celebrate with Tattoos
Anaheim Church-goers Celebrate with Tattoos
September 13, 2010
ANAHEIM – Apparently holding services in a punk rock nightclub every weekend wasn't quite cool enough for City Church.
So, to mark its first birthday, the budding Anaheim congregation Sunday proposed following its regular rock 'n' roll revival with a "radical commitment" – tattoos of various versions of the church logo.
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Lead Pastor, Kyle Steven Bonenberger, receives a tattoo on the one year anniversary of City Church held in Anaheim.
Follow Pastor Kyle on Twitter and click here to visit the church's website.
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"City Church has really done a lot for our family, so I thought it would be a nice way to pay them back," said Holly Morales, one of about a dozen members who agreed to get inked – but only if the church could double its normal attendance.
Founded in a living room, the church now occupies space at the Chain Reaction Club, part of a mission to spread the Christian message down new avenues.
"We call our self the church for the people who don't like church," said Kyle Steven Bonenberger, the 26-year-old lead pastor. "It's the furthest thing from what people perceive church to be."
Indeed, the ambience combines sacred (a large wood cross) and profane (club fliers for irreverently titled bands such as Jabba the Slut). KFC buckets double as offering baskets, and signs prohibit mosh pits.
About 100 people typically attend, and Bonenberger challenged his flock to attract 200 for Sunday's festivities, promising he would be first to go under the needle if they succeeded. Halfway through the service, they still weren't there, but Bonenberger kept faith, revving up the crowd with allusions. God "has tattooed your name on his heart," Bonenberger told guests.
Eventually, a 200th person did arrive, right when a band started jamming and just before a climactic burst of confetti and a shout of "Happy Birthday!"
Afterward, as attendees enjoyed a picnic of pulled pork and coleslaw, Bonenberger extended his arm, alternating between smiles and grimaces as an artist stained his skin with red ink.
Several onlookers, including Irvine resident Scot Parker, were prepared to follow suit. "I'm strongly behind the vision of the church," Parker said, explaining that he was "getting my tattoo to display my commitment to that."
Fullerton resident Pourio Lee said two previous tattoos required years of reflection, but that the City Church ink was a no-brainer. "I said, you know what, you're my pastor, got to show my support," Lee said.
Bonenberger led by example, emerging with a red heart and crescent-shaped lines on his forearm, cheering the turnout. "We hit the number," Bonenberger said. "I love the tattoo. I love these people. I'm stoked. They're in my heart."
