Arkansas Tattoo Law
Arkansas Tattoo Law
Are tattoo artists and shops licensed in Arkansas?
Tattoo and permanent cosmetic artists are required to be certified in Arkansas. Certification requirements include a six-month apprenticeship with an artist who has been certified in Arkansas for a minimum of three years. An application for apprenticeship must be completed as well as a written exam which is based on the Rules and Regulations Pertaining Permanent Cosmetic and Tattoo Establishments. A practical exam is conducted near the end of the six month apprenticeship. A copy of the regulations is available on request.
What type of sterilization equipment is required for tattoo establishments?
An approved steam pressure type autoclave and approved autoclave packaging is required.
Are mobile tattoo units approved in Arkansas?
Mobile tattoo units must meet all the requirements of the Rules and Regulations and provide adequate facilities for storage of liquid waste and a potable water system under pressure. All liquid waste must be discharged into an approve sanitary sewage disposal system.
Is there an annual license fee for tattoo or permanent cosmetic artists or shops?
Act 414 of 2001 requires a $250 annual shop fee which expires December 3st of each year. This also is required for body piercing shops. There is currently no artist license fee.
Is body piercing regulated in Arkansas?
Act 414 of 2001 also addresses body piercing as a form of body art. The Arkansas Department of Health is currently revising the Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Permanent Cosmetic Establishments to address specific requirements for body piercing establishments and artists. Existing body piercing establishments are being inspected and are being given time to bring their shops into compliance with the existing regulations for sanitation. New establishments must submit plans and meet current construction and sanitation requirements before opening.
