Celebrity tattoo gaffes: Eva Longoria, David Beckham and many more
Celebrity tattoo gaffes: Eva Longoria, David Beckham and many more
September 26, 2011
By David Eckstein
Now he's getting a tattoo yeah, he's getting ink done
He asks for a 13, but they drew a 31
"Pretty Fly for a White Guy"
The Offspring
Celebs are all about tattoos these days. Whether it's movie stars, singers or athletes, everyone seems to be getting ink done.
But like everything in life, there are bound to be a couple of gaffes. The only problem with tattoos, is those mistakes are permanent. The most recent example of a regrettable tattoo comes from Boston Bruins center Brad Marchand.
To celebrate his team's 2011 Stanley Cup title, the 23-year-old decided to get a tattoo on his side honoring the title. Except the artist made a typo, so it read "Stanley Cup Champians."
Marchand acknowledged the mistake on his "diary" that he's writing for ESPN.
"After we won, a bunch of us got tattoos here in the dressing room of the Garden. Mine originally was misspelled. Instead of saying Stanley Cup Champions it said Stanley Cup Champians. I don't even know how that happened," he writes.
So in the spirit of Marchand's mistake, we've compiled a list of other memorable celebrity tattoo screw-ups.
Hayden Panettiere opted for ink to read "Vivere senza rimpianti," which is Italian for "Live without regrets." The only problem is the final version is spelled "rimipianti."
The frequently-tatted David Beckham got wife Victoria's name spelled in Sanskrit on his arm. The artists must not know Sanskrit as the it ended up saying "Vihctoria."
Kat von D decided to get a tattoo of her then fiancee Jesse James on her. That worked out fine until they broke up. Then they got back together and it was fine. Then they broke up again.
Megan Fox opted to say "Goodbye Norma Jean" to her tattoo of Marilyn Monroe after coming to the conclusion that Monroe was a "negative person." It's slowly getting zapped away, but the legend still lives.
Eva Longoria got husband Tony Parker's jersey number on the back of her neck and their wedding date on her wrist. They've since divorced and she's done her best to get rid of them - Tony and the tattoos.
Back when Johnny Depp was dating Winona Ryder, he got the ill-conceived "Winona Forever" tattoo. It's since been modified to read "Wino Forever."
The lesson here is only use tattoo artists who know how to spell and avoid getting anything related to someone you might divorce/break-up with.
