Chatham Borough Council approves tattoo ordinance
Chatham Borough Council approves tattoo ordinance
July 15, 2010
By Marianne Ivers
CHATHAM — Third time the charm! The Borough Council approved an ordinance to restrict adult entertainment as well as tattoo and body piercing establishments at its Monday, July 12 meeting.
This was the third version of the ordinance that has been in the works on the Planning Board as well as on the council since last summer after “a serious inquiry†prompted borough officials into action. After several attempts to create rules for adult entertainment and tattoo and body piercing establishments the new ordinance provides both the location where such businesses may open as well as strict rules on how these businesses can be operated.
Both the adult entertainment businesses, tattoo parlors and body piercing establishments may be permitted as a conditional use in the M-1 District which only covers the River Road industrial section of the borough. The new ordinance specifically designates areas where adult entertainment as well as tattoo parlors and body piercing establishments can be situated provided that all other ordinance conditions are met. The area where such businesses are allowed is Commerce Street Block 134 lots 8-13 and 19-25.
Adult entertainment as well as tattoo and body piercing businesses are also subject to several specific conditions that they must satisfy. Among these conditions is the age limit. These establishments may cater only to persons 18 years of age and up, can operate only between the hours of 9 am to 9:30 pm and are not allowed to serve alcoholic beverages.
Additionally, adult entertainment businesses must provide “a buffer of at least ten feet in width and six feet in height†around the perimeter of the site. Also the site must be screened so that the view from public areas is prevented. Tattoo and body piercing establishments are required to “provide for privacy and proper hygienic care of the customers†as well as to meet State regulations.
Moreover, the ordinance includes requirements for the application process in addition to various interior and zoning rules that these businesses would have to follow. Parking, lighting and signage are also regulated under the new ordinance.
The body piercing regulation does not concern earlobe or nose piercing which may be performed at doctors’ offices and jewelry stores.
“Obscene or Pornographic†adult entertainment uses are prohibited under the ordinance.
