Choosing A Tattoo For Your Lower Back
Choosing A Tattoo For Your Lower Back
April 8, 2010
Mark Stein
Media CN
The lower back is a superb location for a tattoo. The area provides a fairly large canvass for the tattoo artist but is easily covered by your clothing when displaying a tattoo might be inappropriate. You can chose from numerous beautiful designs. The only drawback is that you won’t easily have the ability to admire your tattoo without a mirror.
Your lower back is an extremely convenient and flexible location for tattoo placement. It is because you can easily hide a tattoo in the lower back when the need arises. For instance, you will attend formal gatherings or corporate functions; you’ll never have a difficult time figuring out how you can hide your tattoo, because you just simply need to wear clothing that hides your lower back. The comfort in showing and hiding a lower back tattoo is a definite advantage of getting one.
How big is the area allows a lot of flexibility in the cross tattoo design.
Popular designs include floral designs, celtic knotwork, picture designs with people or animals, and occasionally tribal art. Tribal art, with its bold black lines tends to be more popular with men than women. You can choose a tattoo for just the biggest market of the back, or one that goes from hip to hip. Many lower back tattoos are triangular in shape.
For animal imageries, dolphins are quite the favorite because they seem to be really cute in the lower back. Butterflies tattoos are also eye-catching animal tattoo designs. The commonest tribal designs in the lower back are Celtic styles, stars and sun.
Mythical creatures like sensuous dragons, fairies even cartoon characters are all displayed on the lower back. Picture tattoos and intricate woven designs are all excellent choices.
In addition to being easily displayed or covered, the lower back is often chosen as the location for a tattoo by women because of its sex appeal. Men often find a woman’s hips or buttocks to be sexually attractive, and a lower back tattoo calls attention to those areas. Men who have tattoos on the lower back generally extend them well above the waist, while women keep them below the waist.
If you are considering a lower back tattoo, avoid trendy designs or names. The tattoo will be there even when your current boyfriend is not. Classic designs never go out of style and won’t lead to embarrassing questions. Tattoos are permanent and you will be with you for the rest of your life.
Tattoos are created with needles that penetrate your skin and therefore, they carry a risk of infection. It is important that you care for your tattoo for about a week after it is applied. Your tattoo artist will tell you how to clean and dress your tattoo and with lower back tattoos, you may need someone that will help you since it is an awkward area to reach by yourself.
Deciding on the right design can be tough. Visit Internet tattoo websites and local tattoo artists and take you time in making your buying decision. After all you have a lifetime to live with your tattoo, make sure your tattoo is something you can love now and forever.
