Crow Tattoo
Crow Tattoo
355 E 8th St,
Tucson, AZ 85705
(520) 207-9125
Crow Tattoo is one of the newest shops to hit the area. We are located in the heart of the city and only seconds away from downtown. We are across the street from the Old Pueblo Trolley Station on 4th ave. and 8th st.
We pride ourselves on hospital sterilization proceedures to provide a safe environment for all who pass thru our doors. We stand out among the many shops on 4th ave. We offer pool tables, ping pong, 50" plasma t.v., and over 300 movies to watch while having a tattoo done. We have cable and internet as well as wi-fi access to help our clients.
We are trying to bring back the parlour experience that has been missing for some time. The experience helps you to become part of the family, and you should be treated with respect. You will always be welcomed back. Please browse our web portfolios as well as our contact sites to find out more about us. This will ensure that we are the shop for you.
Tattooing is an artform that has gained so much attention in the past few years. It is one of the most watched businesses today. Here at Crow Tattoo, we take our jobs very seriously. We uphold the strictist standards. Fresh needles and sterilized tubes are used on every tattoo. We go over the healing process in detail with every client, and send you home with a copy of healing instructions. This ensures a proper healing of your tattoo or piercing.
We are all Blood-Bourne Pathogen certified, CPR trained, and First-Aid certified. We have been licenced to tattoo in the state of Arizona. Our sanitation pracices can't be surpased. We will always put our reputation before anything else. We do not pierce under the age of 18 unless accompanied by parent or guardian. Birth certificate, state issued I.D., passport, and social security card are the forms of identification that are acceptable. We do not pierce advanced piercings on minors. We do not pierce under the age of 16.
We strive to be the most reputable shop in town but that will only happen with a great clientelle. You are what makes us, and we value our clientelle. We value your business and thank you for your refferals. If you would like to join the Crow Tattoo team you must fill out an application. Artists must have 5 years shop experience, as well as a solid portfolio and clientelle base. Piercers must have 2 years shop experience, as well as a solid portfolio and clientelle base. We will consider an apprenticeship with a serious dedicated person only. We are always hiring shop helpers and this is the best way to see if this job is for you.
Copyright ©2009 Crow Tattoo all rights reserved.
