Elite Ink
Elite Ink
25543 Van Dyke Ave,
Center Line, MI 48015
(586) 759-8446
About Us
We have over 17 years experience in this industry, and we hope that our expertise will motivate your decision. We hope these tips will help you make the right enhancement for your body.
Things to consider:
Make sure to review your subject matter with your artist before the committing to a session. Select a tattooist based on your tastes. You should look for enthusiasm with the artist. He/She should be excited to create this for you. You should critique their portfolio based on smoothness of drawings and line work. Solid colors should be clear and clean and portraits should be easily recognizable.
Our Process:
You are dedicating a part of your body. Reflect on the meaning and purpose of this piece and the exact location is also critical.
What is the art work theme? What is its meaning to you?
Do your homework. Research it online and bring in artwork designs or sketch that you would like it to look like.
Etiquette (Yes! Mind your Tattooing manners!)
This is a lifelong decision. Don't be under the influence of anything before your session.
Be calm before your appointment. Meditate, do yoga, breathe.
Be on time! This affects your artist schedule the rest of the day. You really don't want him/her rushing!
Please don't try to bargain. This is not a flea market, and we've already discounted all of our services. We provide the best work for the best price around.
Don't forget to bring a sketch or artwork ideas with you
Eat before you come in. You don't want to be uncomfortable and hungry.
Dress is a manner that is easily accessed for the tattoo placement
Please shower before your appointment
Please don't be a tattoo advisor or bring one with you. If you are not sure, wait until you're 100% sure.
You may bring one friend or support person, but don't bring extra people. It's a distraction and, again, you want to be in a calm, relaxed state.
Don't talk on your cell when you're in session. Both you are you artist should be focus for the best experience.
If you're pregnant, you can't have a tattoo or piercing. It's for the safety of your baby and yourself.
