Everything You Need to Know About Caring for Your Brand New Tattoo
Everything You Need to Know About Caring for Your Brand New Tattoo
March 7, 2011
by Lily Rose
Updated Dailey.com
attoo aftercare is very important if you want your new tattoo to heal correctly and look gorgeous. Most people believe that once the needlework is done, their tattoo is a lock, but that is far from reality. The facts are that unless you properly care for your new tattoo, it could easily fade, lose color, flake, scar or you could wind up with an infected mess on your body.
Here’s what you need to know:
Do’s * Do use an approved aftercare moisturizer, vitamin E or healing cream with vitamin E * Do leave your first bandage over the tattoo for at least four to six hours, but no more than 12 hours * Do keep your tattoo completely out of contact with water
Tattoo aftercare don’ts * Don’t expose your tattoo to sunlight until it is fully healed * Don’t submerse your tattoo in water, especially avoid chlorinated water * Don’t let your tattoo dry out * Don’t over moisturize your tattoo * Don’t pick your tattoo scabs * Don’t cover your tattoo with a bandage * Don’t allow anything to rub against your tattoo
Important aftercare procedures
1. Four to six hours after you leave the tattoo shop, wash your hands thoroughly with an antibacterial soap. You want to ensure that your hands are free from dirt, germs, or anything infectious.
2. Carefully remove the original bandage that was placed over your tattoo and gently wash the area With a mild antibacterial soap removing any of the greasy covering, ink residue, blood, etc. Be very gentle with your skin and pat your skin dry…do not rub dry.
3. Apply a thin layer of vitamin E oil, moisturizer, healing ointment. Use a brand recommended at the tattoo parlor. There are several tattoo-specific products that are designed exclusively for aftercare which include Tattoo Goo, H2Ocean Aftercare, and Black Cat Tattoo Cream.
4. Three to four times per day, apply another thin film of anti-bacterial healing ointment or vitamin E oil to your tattoo. You want to use enough to moisten the tattooed area, but not enough that it leaves streaks. Remember that the problem with over moisturizing is fading inks.
5. Cover the tattooed area with loose fitting clothing.
There might seem to be quite a few steps to follow but they are quite simple. The bottom line is that you need to allow your body to heal as naturally as possible. Don’t try to rush the healing … just help it along. If you stay on top of your care for several weeks, you will have a gorgeous tattoo that will look perfect for years.
