Expressions NW
Expressions NW
Vancouver, WA 98661
360) 693-4339
Welcome! To those of you who are new to this site, let me bring you up to speed. I previously owned a busy public shop in Vancouver but chose to move it to a more private atmosphere 5 years ago where I am BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Once we have an appointment set then I give you directions. I am easy to reach, just a phone call away at 360.693.4339
What does this privacy mean for you, the client? No one will be walking in taking a look at your bum as we tattoo it, no one will see you cry (hehehe) and no one is going to be bothering you that you don't know.
There are many reasons to chose one studio over another but the main one, even over quality work, is your safety. Your safety is ensured in many ways but the most important is the sterilization technique of the studio. Every studio, without exception, should have a steam sterilizer. There are chemical sterilizers but those are usually found in manufacturing companies where sterilization is on a much larger scale. A steam sterilizer, also called an Autoclave, is a unit that is similar to a pressure cooker. An autoclave must come to a certain temperature and pressure and hold both for a regulated period of time to be effective.
Each instrument is put in a sterilizing bag and sealed before entering the sterilizer. Each bag has a sterilization marker on it that turns color when temperature and pressure are reached. However, just because the temperature and pressure were reached, thereby turning the marker to a different color, doesn't mean the temperature and pressure were held long enough to do what they are supposed to do-sterilize. The only way to know if your sterilizer is working at it's optimum level is to use a spore testing kit. Most studios, if they even use a spore testing kit, run it once a month. Some more conscientious shops run them weekly. I however, run a packet with each autoclave session. What does that means to you? Every single instrument, without fail, has a record of being sterile.
About spore testing: I receive individual, sealed, spore packets that go into the autoclave and are run with the instrument cycle. Once cooled they are sent to an independent company where they are tested. What they are being tested for is whether the spores in the autoclaved packet are dead. Each packet is checked and logged and at the end of the month I receive a statement of results for all of the packets sent in the previous month. I have pass results for every single sterilization session I have ever run.
I know some people thrive on the fast pace crazy shop atmosphere. I used to. Now I want a slower, more 'zenful' pace whether it be in work or life. I don't know if there is such a word as Zenful but if there isn't there should be, it says it all.
Most of what I do is custom work. I try very hard not to let someone use just a piece of flash for their artwork. I mean wouldn't you want something no one else has? Come on, be original! Lets forget all the stuff everyone else has and find you something no one has thought of, or at least hasn't thought of in the way I do it!
I tattoo just about anything but my specialties are Polynesian Tribal, delicate florals and abstract tribal and custom lettering.
If you are in the Vancouver/Portland area call us for directions. If you have any piercing/tattoo questions don't hesitate to call! Still skeptical? Take a look at the Image Gallery and if you like what you see give me a call at 360.693.4339 and we can chat about what you want and make an appointment.
Have piercing questions? Not sure how to take care of that piercing or tattoo? Go to our FAQ'S page to find the the answers to these questions and many more! Want to know about us? Go to our Who I am page.
