Fields of Ink
Fields of Ink
35 Lowell Road
Hudson, NH 03051
(603) 821-9884
Well, what can I say about me? I have been tattooing since 1988, I have worked at 13 tattoo shops in NH, I love tattoos and very much enjoy doing them, the thing I can't stand is what tattoos have become, a fad, tattoo shops that have tattooers that can't draw but yet say they can, tattooers that lie about how long they have been inkin, tattooers that say "ya I do custom work..." but could not draw a stick figure without a ruler... I have been an artist my entire life,drawing long before I ever started to Tattoo, I talk to the customer and find out what you are about and what you would enjoy for ink, what you would enjoy forever at least until you are no more. Tattoo shops that have the mentality, " Well it's there body give 'em what they want as long as we get paid." Just pathetic, I'm so fed up with them! SAD to say they are everywhere! To me, we do something that is very important; we change peoples lives, effect them good and bad. I would much rather effect them in a good way. That's why I will NOT tattoo you on your neck, hands, face, unless you have more ink then me! Well that's a little bit about me.
