Jon Gosselin Tattoo: HUGE Dragon Symbolizing His Rebirth
Jon Gosselin Tattoo: HUGE Dragon Symbolizing His Rebirth
The Huffington Post
Jon Gosselin has gotten an enormous dragon tattooed on his back to symbolize his rebirth. As he is still jobless, he has sold the photos and an exclusive interview to Click through to see the photos, but know it goes towards Jon's latest paycheck.
"I have planned this tattoo for years now," he told Radar. "I wanted something that resembled a rebirth or a change in me."
Jon's tattoo took a total of 14 hours and was completed a week ago in a Pennsylvania tattoo parlor. He said he chose a Korean dragon because it symbolizes rebirth.
"The dragon is all encompassing. It has all parts of the zodiac," he said.
Jon's dragon coils from his lower back to his shoulders and in its claws clutches a scroll with what looks like his children's birthdates with their names in Korean beneath the numbers. Their reaction: "they love it and think it's cool!"
Jon's rebirth includes working with a life coach and hiring a new manager, Canaan Rubin.
"This tattoo for Jon marks this turning point in his life, and symbolizes his time of change, and improvement," Rubin told Radar. "He has been actively exploring ways to better his life, become a better father, boyfriend, ex-husband, friend, business partner, everything."
Jon also has a tattoo of the Korean flag on one shoulder and an hour glass pouring sand on the other. He said on the show he regretted both. Kate has Winnie-the-Pooh inked on her ankle.
