Laura Schlessinger likes her new skull tattoo
Laura Schlessinger likes her new skull tattoo
Nov. 5, 2010
The Orange County Register
Radio personality Laura Schlesinger says she has "no regrets" regarding the tattoo she got from Glenn West at Classic Tattoo in mid-October. It's on her upper left arm and shows a skull clenching in its teeth a single rose. "It is so me," she wrote in an e-mail.
"It doesn't have a name. I came up with the design because I'm a 'bad ass girly girl' (ride a Harley, skipper a racing sailboat, pump iron, hike, etc.)," she e-mailed. She has posted 13 images of the work-in-progress on her website.
"My son thinks it is fabulous ('live hard'), my husband thinks the art is wonderful but wishes it were on someone else. Hey, I'm 63 and I'm not going to have one thing on that Bucket list," she wrote.
KFWB/980 AM has no idea yet who will replace Schlessinger when she quits her show at the end of the year, but they are auditioning replacements.
KFWB is using Dr. Laura's fourth hour weekdays (3 to 4 p.m.) to audition potential hosts. To date, celebrity culture commentator Cooper Lawrence and motivational speaker Les Brown have done call-in shows in that hour. Starting Monday (Nov. 8), Leslie Marshall will do a "local, lifestyle" show through Wednesday, and "life coach" Marcia Brandwynne with "Dr. Rick" will be on Thursday and Friday.
"Leslie will be doing a live, local show without the political emphasis of her syndicated show," said Andy Ludlum, KFWB director of news programming.
