Mum's Tattoos
Mum's Tattoos
1323 NW Galveston Ave
Bend, Oregon 97702
541) 322-6867
Mum's Tattoo was established behind closed doors in 1998 while Angela was serving an apprenticeship that began in 1996 under Uncle Bill at Uncle Bills World Famous Bend Tattoo's. The collection of all of the shop equipment took just over six months and in July of 1999, as Angela sat on a kitchen floor racking her brain for a name, she was overcome with laughter in reflection of her mother Duree Ann and old roommate Stephen Hutton. Duree Ann, Angela's mother had come over to the house one day to be greeted by Stephen who had been up all night drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon in nothing but his Whitie Tightie's and a Wife Beater with drool dripping down his goatee. As Anglea ran up the stairs she was just in time to catch Stephen say "Sorry, Mum I'm in my skivvies, let me go put on my drawers." Stephen was French Canadian and had quite the accent. Both had recently died in 1999 shortly before the shop was to be opened. Both Stephen and Duree were two of Angela's major supporters in her childhood dream of becoming a Tattoo Artist. So, in memory of Stephen and Duree, Mum's Tattoo was born.
Mum's Tattoo was first established upstairs in the Afatatie Building on Division St. and was in there for just over three years. The second location was at 19 NW Greenwood, this location took a team of 8 people a month with an average of 3 hours a day to make it habitable. After almost 5 years It was time to move on and Mum's had to temporarily close her doors.
Angela moved to California and over the next two years she was blessed with the opportunity to work at The Tattoo Lounge, voted the 5th best tattoo shop in all of Los Angeles, with her favorite Tattoo artist Bugs. Also Angela had the pleasure of working for Steve Chrome at Laguna Tattoo for over a year, the Oldest Tattoo Studio in Orange County. Laguna Tattoo Studio is truly a relic in the tattoo industry and has housed some truly amazing artists over the years.
In 2008 Angela returned to Bend and reopened Mum's Tattoo Studio at 1323 NW Galveston Ave. in Bend Oregon, near Drake Park on the west side of town. Mum's is a traditional street shop with the primary goal being to give the client a good tattoo in a neutral environment. Mum's Tattoo Studio has a state of the art atmosphere and upholds the high standard of professionality, originality and willingness to work with a clients personal idea at competitive rates.
