Nebraska Tattoo Law
Nebraska Tattoo Law
State Of Nebraska
Nebraska Revised Statutes
Chapter 71. Public Health and Welfare.
71-3,106. Act; activities exempt.
The Nebraska Cosmetology Act does not apply to or restrict the activities of the following:
(1) Any person holding a current license or certificate issued pursuant to Chapter 71 when engaged in the usual and customary practice of his or her profession or occupation;
(2) Any person engaging solely in ear piercing, tattooing, or other invasive beautification practices;
(3) Any person when engaged in domestic or charitable administration;
(4) Any person performing any of the practices of cosmetology or nail technology solely for theatrical presentations or other entertainment functions;
(5) Any person practicing within the confines of a hospital, nursing home, massage therapy establishment, funeral establishment, or other similar establishment or facility licensed or otherwise regulated by the department, except that no unlicensed or unregistered person may accept compensation for such practice;
(6) Any person providing services during a bona fide emergency;
(7) Any retail or wholesale establishment or any person engaged in the sale of cosmetics, nail technology products, or other beauty products when the products are applied by the customer or when the application of the products is in direct connection with the sale or attempted sale of such products at retail;
(8) Any person when engaged in nonvocational training;
(9) A person demonstrating on behalf of a manufacturer or distributor any cosmetology, nail technology, or electrolysis equipment or supplies if such demonstration is performed without charge; and
(10) Any person or licensee engaged in the practice or teaching of manicuring.
Source: Laws 1986, LB 318, §§ 67; Laws 1987, LB 543, §§ 14; Laws1988, LB 1100, §§ 97; Laws 1995, LB 83, §§ 33; Laws 1999, LB 68, §§ 44; Laws 2001, LB 209, §§ 16.
Effective date February 14, 2001.
