Nevada Tattoo Laws
Nevada Tattoo Laws
State Of Nevada
Clark County Ordinances
29.17.080 Conditional Uses.
The following uses, subject to the design standards herein and to the issuance of a conditional use permit as provided in Part A of Chapter 29.05 (Conditional Use Permits, Variances and Other Development Review Procedures) may be permitted in the M-1 light manufacturing district:
1. Any use listed in Section 29.12.020 (Conditional uses) of this title as allowed in any district subject to securing a conditional use permit;
2. Any use listed as a conditional use in a more restrictive commercial or manufacturing district, unless otherwise provided for as a permitted use and subject to the design standards for the use listed in the particular district;
3. Precast concrete manufacture;
4. Tattoo/permanent make-up establishments;
5. Pharmaceutical manufacture;
6. Pawnshops and motor vehicle pawnshops; provided, that the proposed location is at least one thousand five hundred feet from any H-1 district; and
7. Taverns and brew pubs within one thousand five hundred feet of any residential use. (Ord. 2068 § 2 (part), 1998)
8. Refuse transfer station, subject to the following:
a. All uses, except for parking and refueling facilities for trucks and automobiles and traffic control stations, must be conducted within an enclosed building;
b. The site must be no less than 10 gross acres in size;
c. Any building utilized for refuse transfer must be located at least 400 feet from an existing occupied residential dwelling on any other property;
d. Access to the site must not be from a local or private street.
e. A twenty foot wide A-1 landscape buffer, as shown in the Clark County Design Manual, is required along any street, or adjacent to any property not devoted to a similar use;
f. A decorative wall of sufficient height, as determined by the Planning Commission or Board of County Commissioners, is required around the entire parcel, set back for landscaping along the street;
g. Odor from the installation is minimized through the following techniques in addition to any requirement the Planning Commission or Board of County Commissioners may choose to impose as a condition of approval of the use permit;
(1) Refuse, except that separated for recycling, must be removed to a sanitary landfill within twenty-four hours of its arrival at the transfer station;
(2) Treatment of the refuse is required, including spraying with perfume at intervals sufficient to mitigate any odor emanating from the refuse; (Ord. 2256 § 1, 1999; Ord. 2068 § 2 (part), 1998)
29.17.080 Conditional Uses.
The following uses, subject to the design standards herein and to the issuance of a conditional use permit as provided in Part A of Chapter 29.05 (Conditional Use Permits, Variances and Other Development Review Procedures) may be permitted in the M-1 light manufacturing district:
1. Any use listed in Section 29.12.020 (Conditional uses) of this title as allowed in any district subject to securing a conditional use permit;
2. Any use listed as a conditional use in a more restrictive commercial or manufacturing district, unless otherwise provided for as a permitted use and subject to the design standards for the use listed in the particular district;
3. Precast concrete manufacture;
4. Tattoo/permanent make-up establishments;
7:00 P.M., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1999
AMENDED HOLDOVER VARIANCE to permit a tattoo studio where not permitted in conjunction with an existing shopping center on 1.4 acres in a C-1 (Local Business) Zone (previously notified as C-2 (General Commercial) Zone) where M-1 zoning is required. Generally located on the south side of Charleston Boulevard and the west side of Lamont Street within the NE1/4 Section 5, Township 21 South, Range 62 East. 5-0 (R.B. & B.M. Absent)
APPROVED - Subject to three years for review; no walk-in clientele after 6:00 P.M. seven days a week, and opening no earlier than 9:00 A.M.; and all applicable standard conditions for this application type.
29.17.080 Conditional Uses.
The following uses, subject to the design standards herein and to the issuance of a conditional use permit as provided in Part A of Chapter 29.05 (Conditional Use Permits, Variances and Other Development Review Procedures) may be permitted in the M-1 light manufacturing district:
1. Any use listed in Section 29.12.020 (Conditional uses) of this title as allowed in any district subject to securing a conditional use permit;
2. Any use listed as a conditional use in a more restrictive commercial or manufacturing district, unless otherwise provided for as a permitted use and subject to the design standards for the use listed in the particular district;
3. Precast concrete manufacture;
4. Tattoo/permanent make-up establishments;
Nevada state statutes that mention tattoos are NRS 644.470 (which states that cosmetologists cannot implant permanent pigment into the skin) and NRS 412.406 (which states that tattooing may not be adjudged by any court-martial or inflicted upon any person subject to the state militia code). Apparently this is a subject that is regulated at the local level.
Joy P. Cain
Assistant law indexer
Legislative Counsel Bureau
Abstract: CHAPTER 644 - COSMETOLOGY. NRS 644.020 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined inNRS 644.0205. to. 644.029. inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections. [2:218:1931; A 1933, 237; 1937, 80; 1931 NCL § 1862.01]NRS A
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NRS 644.020 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NRS 644.0205 to 644.029, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections.
[2:218:1931; A 1933, 237; 1937, 80; 1931 NCL § 1862.01]—(NRS A 1977, 192; 1979, 1822; 1981, 1348; 1985, 1627; 1995, 461; 1999, 1152)
NRS 644.0205 “Aesthetician†defined. “Aesthetician†means any person who engages in the practices of:
1. Beautifying, massaging, cleansing or stimulating the skin of the human body, except the scalp, by the use of cosmetic preparations, antiseptics, tonics, lotions or creams or any device, electrical or otherwise, for the care of the skin;
2. Applying make-up or eyelashes to any person, tinting eyelashes and eyebrows and lightening hair on the body except the scalp; and
3. Removing superfluous hair from the body of any person by the use of depilatories, waxing or tweezers,
but does not include the branches of cosmetology of a cosmetologist, hair designer, electrologist or manicurist.
(Added to NRS by 1981, 1346; A 1985, 1680, 1851; 1995, 461)
NRS 644.021 “Board†defined. “Board†means the state board of cosmetology.
(Added to NRS by 1981, 1346)
NRS 644.0225 “Cosmetological establishment†defined. “Cosmetological establishment†means any premises, mobile unit, building or part of a building where cosmetology is practiced, other than a licensed barbershop in which one or more licensed manicurists practice.
(Added to NRS by 1981, 1346; A 1987, 906)
NRS 644.023 “Cosmetologist†defined. “Cosmetologist†means a person who engages in the practices of:
1. Cleansing, stimulating or massaging the scalp or cleansing or beautifying the hair by the use of cosmetic preparations, antiseptics, tonics, lotions or creams.
2. Cutting, trimming or shaping the hair.
3. Arranging, dressing, curling, waving, cleansing, singeing, bleaching, tinting, coloring or straightening the hair of any person with the hands, mechanical or electrical apparatus or appliances, or by other means, or similar work incident to or necessary for the proper carrying on of the practice or occupation provided by the terms of this chapter.
4. Removing superfluous hair from the body of any person by the use of electrolysis to remove the hair from the surface of the body where the growth is a blemish, or by the use of depilatories, waxing or tweezers, except for the permanent removal of hair with needles.
5. Manicuring the nails of any person.
6. Beautifying, massaging, stimulating or cleansing the skin of the human body by the use of cosmetic preparations, antiseptics, tonics, lotions, creams or any device, electrical or otherwise, for the care of the skin.
7. Giving facials or skin care or applying make-up or eyelashes to any person.
(Added to NRS by 1981, 1346; A 1985, 1851; 1987, 1068; 1991, 2054)
NRS 644.0233 “Cosmetologist’s apprentice†defined. [Effective January 1, 2000.]
“Cosmetologist’s apprentice†means a person who is engaged in learning the occupation of a cosmetologist in a cosmetological establishment and who is registered with the board to practice cosmetology as a cosmetologist’s apprentice.
(Added to NRS by 1999, 1150, effective January 1, 2000)
NRS 644.024 “Cosmetology†defined. “Cosmetology†includes the occupations of a cosmetologist, aesthetician, electrologist, hair designer and manicurist.
(Added to NRS by 1981, 1346; A 1985, 1852; 1995, 461)
NRS 644.026 “Electrologist†defined. “Electrologist†means any person who engages in the occupation of permanently removing excess or unwanted hair from the body of any person only by the use of a needle.
(Added to NRS by 1981, 1347; A 1985, 1627)
NRS 644.0265 “Electrologist’s apprentice†defined. “Electrologist’s apprentice†means a person engaged in learning the occupation of an electrologist in a cosmetological establishment.
(Added to NRS by 1981, 1347)
NRS 644.0277 “Hair designer†defined. “Hair designer†means any person who engages in the practices of:
1. Cleansing, stimulating or massaging the scalp, or cleansing or beautifying the hair by the use of cosmetic preparations, antiseptics, tonics, lotions or creams.
2. Cutting, trimming or shaping the hair.
3. Arranging, dressing, curling, waving, cleansing, singeing, bleaching, tinting, coloring or straightening the hair of any person with the hands or mechanical or electrical apparatus or appliances, or by other means or similar work incident to or necessary for the proper carrying on of the practice or occupation provided by the terms of this chapter.
(Added to NRS by 1995, 460)
NRS 644.029 “Manicurist†defined. “Manicurist†means any person who, for compensation or by demonstration, engages in the practices of:
1. Care of another’s fingernails or toenails.
2. Beautification of another’s nails.
3. Extension of another’s nails.
4. Massaging of another’s hands, forearms, feet or lower legs.
(Added to NRS by 1981, 1347; A 1991, 2055)
NRS 644.030 Creation; number and appointment of members; composition.
1. The state board of cosmetology consisting of seven members appointed by the governor is hereby created.
2. The board must consist of four cosmetologists, one manicurist, one aesthetician and one member representing customers of cosmetology.
[Part 4:218:1931; A 1933, 237; 1931 NCL § 1862.03]—(NRS A 1965, 630; 1989, 1319)
NRS 644.040 Qualifications of members.
1. No person is eligible for appointment as a member of the board:
(a) Who is not licensed as a manicurist, electrologist, aesthetician or cosmetologist under the provisions of this chapter.
(b) Who is not, at the time of appointment, actually engaged in the practice of his respective branch of cosmetology.
(c) Who is not at least 25 years of age.
(d) Who has not been a resident of this state for at least 3 years immediately before his appointment.
2. The requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection 1 do not apply to a person appointed to represent customers of cosmetology.
3. Not more than one member of the board may be connected, directly or indirectly, with any school of cosmetology, or have been so connected while previously serving as a member of the board.
[Part 4:218:1931; A 1933, 237; 1931 NCL § 1862.03]—(NRS A 1981, 1349; 1985, 1852; 1989, 1319)
NRS 644.050 Terms and oaths of members.
1. After the initial terms, members of the board serve terms of 4 years, except when appointed to fill unexpired terms.
2. Before entering upon the discharge of his duties, each member shall make and file with the secretary of state the constitutional oath of office.
[Part 4:218:1931; A 1933, 237; 1931 NCL § 1862.03]—(NRS A 1965, 630; 1971, 1119; 1981, 71)
NRS 644.060 Officers. The members of the board shall annually elect a president, a vice president, a treasurer and a secretary from among their number. The members may assign the duties of the treasurer and the secretary to one person who shall be treasurer and secretary.
[Part 4:218:1931; A 1933, 237; 1931 NCL § 1862.03]—(NRS A 1975, 351; 1983, 1543; 1985, 1627; 1987, 1069)
NRS 644.070 Meetings; compensation of members and employees; payment from fees and receipts.
1. The board shall hold meetings at least four times a year for the examination of applicants for registration and for the transaction of such other business as pertains to its duties.
2. The board may hold such other meetings for the examination of applicants for registration or for the transaction of necessary business at such times and places as it determines.
3. The members of the board are entitled to receive:
(a) A salary of not more than $80 per day, as fixed by the board, while engaged in the business of the board; and
(b) A per diem allowance and travel expenses at a rate fixed by the board, while engaged in the business of the board. The rate must not exceed the rate provided for state officers and employees generally.
4. While engaged in the business of the board, each employee of the board is entitled to receive a per diem allowance and travel expenses at a rate fixed by the board. The rate must not exceed the rate provided for state officers and employees generally.
5. All such compensation and expenses must be paid by the board out of the fees and receipts received by it, and no part thereof may be paid by the state.
[Part 4:218:1931; A 1933, 237; 1931 NCL § 1862.03] + [5:218:1931; 1931 NCL § 1862.04]—(NRS A 1960, 310; 1963, 160; 1975, 306; 1981, 1350, 1995; 1983, 1543; 1985, 445; 1987, 1201; 1989, 1704)
NRS 644.075 Fiscal year. The board shall operate on the basis of a fiscal year commencing on July 1 and terminating on June 30.
(Added to NRS by 1963, 160)
NRS 644.080 Employees; offices; records and files; seal; subpoenas. The board:
1. Shall prescribe the duties of its officers, examiners and employees, and fix the compensation of those employees.
2. May establish offices in as many localities in the state as it finds necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter. All records and files of the board must be kept at the main office of the board and be open to public inspection at all reasonable hours.
3. May adopt a seal.
4. May issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books and papers.
[Part 4:218:1931; A 1933, 237; 1931 NCL § 1862.03]—(NRS A 1963, 161; 1981, 1350)
NRS 644.090 Examinations; issuance of licenses; reports of violations; inspections. The board shall:
1. Hold examinations to determine the qualifications of all applicants for a license, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, whose applications have been submitted to it in proper form.
2. Issue licenses to such applicants as may be entitled thereto.
3. License cosmetological establishments and schools of cosmetology.
4. Report to the proper prosecuting officers all violations of this chapter coming within its knowledge.
5. Inspect schools of cosmetology and cosmetological establishments to ensure compliance with the statutory requirements and adopted regulations of the board. This authority extends to any member of the board or its authorized employees.
[Part 4:218:1931; A 1933, 237; 1931 NCL § 1862.03]—(NRS A 1981, 1350; 1985, 1627, 1852; 1991, 2055)
NRS 644.095 Approval of device used in cosmetology. Any device used in the practice of cosmetology must be approved by the board.
(Added to NRS by 1985, 1680)
NRS 644.100 Hearings and proceedings by or before less than entire board.
1. Any investigation, inquiry, hearing or proceeding which the board is empowered to hold or undertake may be held or undertaken by or before one or more members of the board, and the finding or order of the member or members shall be deemed to be the finding or order of the board when approved or confirmed by it.
2. No investigation, inquiry, hearing or proceeding shall be held or undertaken by only one member of the board, or by less than the entire membership of the board, without the previous written authorization of the board.
[20:218:1931; 1931 NCL § 1862.20]
NRS 644.110 Regulations. The board shall adopt reasonable regulations:
1. For carrying out the provisions of this chapter.
2. For conducting examinations of applicants for licenses.
3. For governing the recognition of, and the credits to be given to, the study of cosmetology under a licensed electrologist or in a school of cosmetology licensed pursuant to the laws of another state or territory of the United States or the District of Columbia.
4. For governing the conduct of schools of cosmetology. The regulations must include but need not be limited to, provisions:
(a) Prohibiting schools from requiring that students purchase beauty supplies for use in the course of study;
(b) Prohibiting schools from deducting earned hours of school credit or any other compensation earned by a student as a punishment for misbehavior of the student;
(c) Providing for lunch and coffee recesses for students during school hours; and
(d) Allowing a member or an authorized employee of the board to review the records of a student’s training and attendance.
5. Governing the courses of study and practical training required of persons for treating the skin of the human body, except the scalp.
6. For governing the conduct of cosmetological establishments.
[Part 4:218:1931; A 1933, 237; 1931 NCL § 1862.03]—(NRS A 1969, 881; 1979, 1823; 1981, 1350; 1985, 1628, 1680, 1852; 1987, 1201; 1991, 2055)
NRS 644.120 Regulations governing sanitary conditions.
1. The board may adopt such regulations governing sanitary conditions as it deems necessary with particular reference to the precautions to be employed to prevent the creating or spreading of infectious or contagious diseases in cosmetological establishments or schools of cosmetology, or in the practice of a cosmetologist.
2. No regulation governing sanitary conditions thus adopted has any effect until it has been approved by the state board of health.
3. A copy of all regulations governing sanitary conditions which are adopted must be furnished to each person to whom a license is issued for the conduct of a cosmetological establishment, school of cosmetology or practice of cosmetology.
[Part 4:218:1931; A 1933, 237; 1931 NCL § 1862.03]—(NRS A 1981, 1351; 1985, 1628, 1853; 1991, 2056)
NRS 644.130 Record of licenses; disclosure of information.
1. The board shall keep a record containing the name, known place of business and the date and number of the license of every manicurist, electrologist, aesthetician, hair designer and cosmetologist, together with the names and addresses of all cosmetological establishments and schools of cosmetology licensed pursuant to this chapter. The record must also contain the facts which the applicants claimed in their applications to justify their licensure.
2. The board may disclose the information contained in the record kept pursuant to subsection 1 to:
(a) Any other licensing board or agency that is investigating a licensee.
(b) A member of the general public, except information concerning the address and telephone number of a licensee.
[Part 4:218:1931; A 1933, 237; 1931 NCL § 1862.03]—(NRS A 1981, 1351; 1985, 1629; 1991, 2056; 1995, 461)
NRS 644.140 Record of proceedings; other duties. The board shall:
1. Keep a record of its proceedings.
2. Do all other things necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter.
[Part 4:218:1931; A 1933, 237; 1931 NCL § 1862.03]
NRS 644.150 Employees, attorneys and other professional consultants. The board may employ inspectors, investigators, advisers, examiners and clerks and secure the services of attorneys and other professional consultants, but no part of the compensation of those persons or reasonable expenses incurred by the board may be paid by the state.
[Part 4:218:1931; A 1933, 237; 1931 NCL § 1862.03]—(NRS A 1963, 161; 1981, 1351)
NRS 644.160 Biennial report to governor; contents. The board shall make a written report to the governor before September 1 of each even‑numbered year for the biennium ending June 30 of such year concerning the condition, in this state, of cosmetology and the branches thereof. The report shall contain a brief reference to the proceedings had by or before the board in carrying out the provisions of this chapter for the period last past.
[Part 4:218:1931; A 1933, 237; 1931 NCL § 1862.03]—(NRS A 1965, 62; 1969, 1459)
NRS 644.170 Deposit of fees and receipts; expenditures; delegation of authority to take disciplinary action; deposit of fines imposed by board; claims for attorney’s fees and costs of investigation.
1. All fees collected on behalf of the board and all receipts of every kind and nature must be reported at the beginning of each month, for the month preceding, to the board. At the same time, the entire amount of collections, except as otherwise provided in subsection 5, must be paid to the treasurer of the board, who shall deposit them in banks, credit unions or savings and loan associations in the State of Nevada.
2. The receipts must be for the uses of the board and out of them must be paid all salaries and all other expenses necessarily incurred in carrying into effect the provisions of this chapter.
3. All orders for payment of money must be drawn on the treasurer of the board and countersigned by the president and the secretary of the board.
4. The board may delegate to a hearing officer or panel its authority to take any disciplinary action pursuant to this chapter, impose and collect fines therefor and deposit the money therefrom in banks, credit unions or savings and loan associations in this state.
5. If a hearing officer or panel is not authorized to take disciplinary action pursuant to subsection 4 and the board deposits the money collected from the imposition of fines with the state treasurer for credit to the state general fund, it may present a claim to the state board of examiners for recommendation to the interim finance committee if money is needed to pay attorney’s fees or the costs of an investigation, or both.
[Part 21:218:1931; A 1933, 237; 1931 NCL § 1862.21]—(NRS A 1963, 161; 1983, 1543; 1999, 1537)
NRS 644.180 Revolving fund. An amount not to exceed $1,000 may be drawn from the contingent fund to be used as a revolving fund where cash advances are necessary. Expenditures from the revolving fund must be substantiated by vouchers and itemized statements at the end of each fiscal year, or at any other time when demanded by the chief of the budget division of the department of administration.
[Part 21:218:1931; A 1933, 237; 1931 NCL § 1862.21]—(NRS A 1975, 8)
NRS 644.190 Unlawful practices without license; exceptions. [Effective through December 31, 1999.]
1. It is unlawful for any person to conduct or operate a cosmetological establishment, school of cosmetology or any other place of business in which any one or any combination of the occupations of cosmetology are taught or practiced unless he is licensed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
2. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, it is unlawful for any person to engage in, or attempt to engage in, the practice of cosmetology or any branch thereof, whether for compensation or otherwise, unless he is licensed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
3. This chapter does not prohibit:
(a) Any student in any school of cosmetology, established pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, from engaging, in the school and as a student, in work connected with any branch or any combination of branches of cosmetology in the school.
(b) An electrologist’s apprentice from participating in a course of practical training and study.
(c) A person issued a provisional license as an instructor pursuant to NRS 644.193 from acting as an instructor and accepting compensation therefor, while accumulating the hours of training as a teacher required for an instructor’s license.
(d) The rendering of cosmetological services by a person who is licensed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, if those services are rendered in connection with photographic services provided by a photographer.
4. A person employed to render cosmetological services in the course of and incidental to the production of a motion picture, television program, commercial or advertisement is exempt from the licensing requirements of this chapter if he renders cosmetological services only to persons who will appear in that motion picture, television program, commercial or advertisement.
[Part 3:218:1931; A 1933, 237; 1937, 80; 1931 NCL § 1862.02]—(NRS A 1981, 1351; 1985, 1629, 1853; 1987, 1201; 1989, 1319, 2005; 1991, 2056)
NRS 644.190 Unlawful practices without license; exceptions. [Effective January 1, 2000.]
1. It is unlawful for any person to conduct or operate a cosmetological establishment, school of cosmetology or any other place of business in which any one or any combination of the occupations of cosmetology are taught or practiced unless he is licensed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
2. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, it is unlawful for any person to engage in, or attempt to engage in, the practice of cosmetology or any branch thereof, whether for compensation or otherwise, unless he is licensed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
3. This chapter does not prohibit:
(a) Any student in any school of cosmetology established pursuant to the provisions of this chapter from engaging, in the school and as a student, in work connected with any branch or any combination of branches of cosmetology in the school.
(b) An electrologist’s apprentice from participating in a course of practical training and study.
(c) A person issued a provisional license as an instructor pursuant to NRS 644.193 from acting as an instructor and accepting compensation therefor while accumulating the hours of training as a teacher required for an instructor’s license.
(d) The rendering of cosmetological services by a person who is licensed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, if those services are rendered in connection with photographic services provided by a photographer.
(e) A registered cosmetologist’s apprentice from engaging in the practice of cosmetology under the immediate supervision of a licensed cosmetologist.
4. A person employed to render cosmetological services in the course of and incidental to the production of a motion picture, television program, commercial or advertisement is exempt from the licensing requirements of this chapter if he renders cosmetological services only to persons who will appear in that motion picture, television program, commercial or advertisement.
[Part 3:218:1931; A 1933, 237; 1937, 80; 1931 NCL § 1862.02]—(NRS A 1981, 1351; 1985, 1629, 1853; 1987, 1201; 1989, 1319, 2005; 1991, 2056; 1999, 1152, effective January 1, 2000)
NRS 644.193 Instructors: Qualifications for provisional license; fee for license; expiration and extension of license.
1. The board may grant a provisional license as an instructor to a person who:
(a) Has successfully completed the 12th grade in school or its equivalent and submits written verification of the completion of his education;
(b) Has practiced as a full-time licensed cosmetologist, aesthetician or manicurist for 3 years and submits written verification of his experience;
(c) Is licensed pursuant to this chapter;
(d) Applies for a provisional license on a form supplied by the board;
(e) Submits two current photographs of himself; and
(f) Has paid the fee established pursuant to subsection 2.
2. The board shall establish and collect a fee of not less than $25 nor more than $40 for the issuance of a provisional license as an instructor.
3. A person issued a provisional license pursuant to this section may act as an instructor for compensation while accumulating the number of hours of training required for an instructor’s license.
4. A provisional license as an instructor expires upon accumulation by the licensee of the number of hours of training required for an instructor’s license. The board may grant an extension of not more than 45 days to those provisional licensees who have applied to the board for examination as instructors and are awaiting examination.
(Added to NRS by 1989, 1318; A 1991, 2057)
NRS 644.195 Instructors: Qualifications; fee for license.
1. Each instructor must:
(a) Be licensed as a cosmetologist pursuant to this chapter.
(b) Have successfully completed the 12th grade in school or its equivalent.
(c) Have 1 year of experience as a cosmetologist.
(d) Have completed 1,000 hours of training as an instructor or 500 hours of training as a provisional instructor in a school of cosmetology.
(e) Take one or more courses in advanced techniques for teaching or training, approved by the board, whose combined duration is at least 30 hours during each 2‑year period.
2. Each instructor shall pay an initial fee for a license of not less than $40 and not more than $60.
(Added to NRS by 1985, 1850; A 1991, 2057)
NRS 644.1955 Instructors of aestheticians: Qualifications for examination; advanced training.
1. The board shall admit to examination for a license as an instructor of aestheticians any person who has applied to the board in proper form, paid the fee and:
(a) Is at least 18 years of age;
(b) Is of good moral character;
(c) Has successfully completed the 12th grade in school or its equivalent;
(d) Has received a minimum of 800 hours of training as an instructor or 400 hours of training as a provisional instructor in a licensed school of cosmetology;
(e) Is licensed as an aesthetician pursuant to this chapter; and
(f) Has practiced as a full-time licensed aesthetician for 1 year.
2. An instructor of aestheticians shall complete at least 30 hours of advanced training in a course approved by the board during each 2‑year period of his license.
(Added to NRS by 1987, 1200; A 1991, 2058)
NRS 644.196 Instructors in cosmetology: Qualifications for examination. The board shall admit to examination for a license as an instructor in cosmetology any person who has made application to the board in proper form, paid the fee and meets the requirements of NRS 644.195.
(Added to NRS by 1985, 1626)
NRS 644.197 Instructors in manicuring: Qualifications for examination; advanced training.
1. The board shall admit to examination for a license as an instructor in manicuring any person who has applied to the board in proper form, paid the fee and:
(a) Is at least 18 years of age;
(b) Is of good moral character;
(c) Has successfully completed the 12th grade in school or its equivalent;
(d) Has received a minimum of 500 hours of training as an instructor or 250 hours of training as a provisional instructor in a licensed school of cosmetology;
(e) Is licensed as a manicurist pursuant to this chapter; and
(f) Has practiced as a full-time licensed manicurist for 1 year.
2. An instructor in manicuring shall complete at least 30 hours of advanced training in a course approved by the board during each 2‑year period of his license.
(Added to NRS by 1985, 1626; A 1987, 1202; 1991, 2058)
NRS 644.200 Cosmetologists: Qualifications for examination; further study by barber who fails examination. [Effective through December 31, 1999.]
1. The board shall admit to examination for a license as a cosmetologist, at any meeting of the board held to conduct examinations, any person who has made application to the board in proper form and paid the fee, and who before or on the date of the examination:
(a) Is not less than 18 years of age.
(b) Is of good moral character.
(c) Has successfully completed the 10th grade in school or its equivalent. Testing for equivalency must be pursuant to applicable state or federal requirements.
(d) Has had any one of the following:
(1) Training of at least 1,800 hours, extending over a school term of 10 months, in a school of cosmetology approved by the board.
(2) Practice of the occupation of a cosmetologist for a period of 4 years outside this state.
(3) If the applicant is a barber registered pursuant to chapter 643 of NRS, 400 hours of specialized training approved by the board.
2. A registered barber who fails the examination for a license as a cosmetologist must complete further study as prescribed by the board, not exceeding 250 hours, in a school of cosmetology approved by the board before he is again entitled to take the examination.
[6:218:1931; A 1933, 237; 1931 NCL § 1862.05]—(NRS A 1960, 310; 1963, 269; 1977, 163; 1979, 1824; 1981, 1352; 1985, 1629; 1987, 906, 1202)
NRS 644.200 Cosmetologists: Qualifications for examination; further study by barber who fails examination. [Effective January 1, 2000.]
1. The board shall admit to examination for a license as a cosmetologist, at any meeting of the board held to conduct examinations, any person who has made application to the board in proper form and paid the fee, and who before or on the date of the examination:
(a) Is not less than 18 years of age.
(b) Is of good moral character.
(c) Has successfully completed the 10th grade in school or its equivalent. Testing for equivalency must be pursuant to applicable state or federal requirements.
(d) Has had any one of the following:
(1) Training of at least 1,800 hours, extending over a school term of 10 months, in a school of cosmetology approved by the board.
(2) Practice of the occupation of a cosmetologist for a period of 4 years outside this state.
(3) If the applicant is a barber registered pursuant to chapter 643 of NRS, 400 hours of specialized training approved by the board.
(4) Completion of at least 3,600 hours of service as a cosmetologist’s apprentice in a licensed cosmetological establishment in which all of the occupations of cosmetology are practiced. The required hours must have been completed during the period of validity of the certificate of registration as a cosmetologist’s apprentice issued to the person pursuant to NRS 644.217.
2. A registered barber who fails the examination for a license as a cosmetologist must complete further study as prescribed by the board, not exceeding 250 hours, in a school of cosmetology approved by the board before he is again entitled to take the examination.
[6:218:1931; A 1933, 237; 1931 NCL § 1862.05]—(NRS A 1960, 310; 1963, 269; 1977, 163; 1979, 1824; 1981, 1352; 1985, 1629; 1987, 906, 1202; 1999, 1153, effective January 1, 2000)
NRS 644.203 Electrologists: Qualifications for examination. The board shall admit to examination for a license as an electrologist any person who has made application to the board in the proper form and paid the fee, and who before or on the date set for the examination:
1. Is not less than 18 years of age.
2. Is of good moral character.
3. Has successfully completed the 12th grade in school or its equivalent.
4. Has or has completed any one of the following:
(a) A minimum training of 500 hours under the immediate supervision of an approved electrologist in an approved school in which the practice is taught.
(b) Study of the practice for at least 1,000 hours extending over a period of 5 consecutive months, under an electrologist licensed pursuant to this chapter, in an approved program for electrologist’s apprentices.
(c) A valid electrologist’s license issued by a state whose licensing requirements are equal to or greater than those of this state.
(d) Either training or practice, or a combination of training and practice, in electrology outside this state for a period specified by regulations of the board.
(Added to NRS by 1960, 311; A 1963, 270; 1977, 163; 1979, 1824; 1981, 1352; 1985, 1630; 1987, 1069)
NRS 644.204 Hair designers: Qualifications for examination. The board shall admit to examination for a license as a hair designer, at any meeting of the board held to conduct examinations, each person who has applied to the board in proper form and paid the fee, and who:
1. Is not less than 18 years of age.
2. Is of good moral character.
3. Has successfully completed the 10th grade in school or its equivalent. Testing for equivalency must be pursuant to state or federal requirements.
4. Has had at least one of the following:
(a) Training of at least 1,200 hours, extending over a period of 7 consecutive months, in a school of cosmetology approved by the board.
(b) Practice of the occupation of hair designing for at least 4 years outside this state.
(c) If the applicant is a barber registered pursuant to chapter 643 of NRS, 400 hours of specialized training approved by the board.
(Added to NRS by 1995, 461)
NRS 644.205 Manicurists: Qualifications for examination. The board shall admit to examination for a license as a manicurist any person who has made application to the board in proper form, paid the fee, and who before or on the date of the examination:
1. Is not less than 18 years of age.
2. Is of good moral character.
3. Has successfully completed the 10th grade in school or its equivalent.
4. Has had any one of the following:
(a) Practical training of at least 500 hours under the immediate supervision of a licensed instructor in a licensed school of cosmetology in which the practice is taught.
(b) Practice as a full‑time licensed manicurist for 1 year outside the State of Nevada.
(Added to NRS by 1960, 312; A 1963, 271; 1977, 164; 1981, 1353; 1985, 1630)
NRS 644.207 Aestheticians: Qualifications for examination. The board shall admit to examination for a license as an aesthetician any person who has made application to the board in proper form, paid the fee and:
1. Is at least 18 years of age;
2. Is of good moral character;
3. Has successfully completed the 10th grade in school or its equivalent; and
4. Has received a minimum of 600 hours of training, which includes theory, modeling and practice, in a licensed school of cosmetology or who has practiced as a full‑time licensed aesthetician for at least 1 year.
(Added to NRS by 1981, 1347; A 1985, 1631)
NRS 644.210 Application required for examination, license or certificate of registration; fee to obtain forms; contents; verification.
1. An application for admission to examination or for a license in any branch of cosmetology, or for a certificate of registration as a cosmetologist’s apprentice, must be made in writing on forms furnished by the board and must be submitted within the period designated by the board. The board shall charge a fee of $15 for furnishing the forms.
2. An application must contain proof of the qualifications of the applicant for examination or licensure. The application must be verified by the oath of the applicant.
[7:218:1931; 1931 NCL § 1862.06]—(NRS A 1981, 1353; 1985, 1631; 1987, 1203; 1999, 1154)
NRS 644.212 Application to include social security number of applicant. [Expires by limitation on the date of the repeal of the federal law requiring each state to establish procedures for withholding, suspending and restricting the professional, occupational and recreational licenses for child support arrearages and for noncompliance with certain processes relating to paternity or child support proceedings.] An application for the issuance of a license or evidence of registration issued pursuant to NRS 644.190 to 644.330, inclusive, must include the social security number of the applicant.
(Added to NRS by 1997, 2162; A 1999, 1154)
NRS 644.214 Payment of child support: Statement by applicant for license or evidence of registration; grounds for denial of license or evidence of registration; duty of board. [Expires by limitation on the date of the repeal of the federal law requiring each state to establish procedures for withholding, suspending and restricting the professional, occupational and recreational licenses for child support arrearages and for noncompliance with certain processes relating to paternity or child support proceedings.]
1. An applicant for the issuance or renewal of a license or evidence of registration issued pursuant to NRS 644.190 to 644.330, inclusive, shall submit to the board the statement prescribed by the welfare division of the department of human resources pursuant to NRS 425.520. The statement must be completed and signed by the applicant.
2. The board shall include the statement required pursuant to subsection 1 in:
(a) The application or any other forms that must be submitted for the issuance or renewal of the license or evidence of registration; or
(b) A separate form prescribed by the board.
3. A license or evidence of registration may not be issued or renewed by the board pursuant to NRS 644.190 to 644.330, inclusive, if the applicant:
(a) Fails to submit the statement required pursuant to subsection 1; or
(b) Indicates on the statement submitted pursuant to subsection 1 that he is subject to a court order for the support of a child and is not in compliance with the order or a plan approved by the district attorney or other public agency enforcing the order for the repayment of the amount owed pursuant to the order.
4. If an applicant indicates on the statement submitted pursuant to subsection 1 that he is subject to a court order for the support of a child and is not in compliance with the order or a plan approved by the district attorney or other public agency enforcing the order for the repayment of the amount owed pursuant to the order, the board shall advise the applicant to contact the district attorney or other public agency enforcing the order to determine the actions that the applicant may take to satisfy the arrearage.
(Added to NRS by 1997, 2161; A 1999, 1154)
NRS 644.215 Electrologist’s apprentice: Application for registration; fee. Every electrologist’s apprentice must apply to the board for registration. The application must be accompanied by a fee of $100.
(Added to NRS by 1985, 1850)
NRS 644.217 Cosmetologist’s apprentice: Application for certificate of registration; fee; expiration and renewal of certificate of registration. [Effective January 1, 2000.]
1. The board may issue a certificate of registration as a cosmetologist’s apprentice to a person if:
(a) The person is a resident of a county whose population is less than 35,000;
(b) The person is required to travel more than 60 miles from his place of residence to attend a licensed school of cosmetology; and
(c) The training of the person as a cosmetologist’s apprentice will be conducted at a licensed cosmetological establishment that is located in such a county.
2. An applicant for a certificate of registration as a cosmetologist’s apprentice must submit an application to the board on a form prescribed by the board. The application must be accompanied by a fee of $100 and must include:
(a) A statement signed by the licensed cosmetologist who will be supervising and training the cosmetologist’s apprentice which states that the licensed cosmetologist has been licensed by the board to practice cosmetology in this state for not less than 3 years immediately preceding the date of the application and that his license has been in good standing during that period;
(b) A statement signed by the owner of the licensed cosmetological establishment where the applicant will be trained which states that the owner will permit the applicant to be trained as a cosmetologist’s apprentice at the cosmetological establishment; and
(c) Such other information as the board may require by regulation.
3. A certificate of registration as a cosmetologist’s apprentice is valid for 2 years after the date on which it is issued and may be renewed by the board upon good cause shown.
(Added to NRS by 1999, 1150, effective January 1, 2000)
NRS 644.2175 Cosmetologist’s apprentice: Display of certificate of registration; conditions and limitations on employment and training; records; status and duties of licensees involved in training; regulations. [Effective January 1, 2000.]
1. A cosmetologist’s apprentice shall display the certificate of registration issued to him by the board in plain view of the public at the position where he is being trained. The cosmetologist’s apprentice, the licensed
