New Jersey Tattoo Law
New Jersey Tattoo Law
New Jersey Statutes
26:1A-7. State Sanitary Code
7. The Public Health Council shall have power, by the affirmative vote of a majority of all its members, to establish, and from time to time amend and repeal, such reasonable sanitary regulations not inconsistent with the provisions of this act or the provisions of any other law of this State as may be necessary properly to preserve and improve the public health in this State. The regulations so established shall be called the State Sanitary Code.
The State Sanitary Code may cover any subject affecting public health, or the preservation and improvement of public health and the prevention of disease in the State of New Jersey, including the immunization against disease of all school children in the State of New Jersey. In addition thereto, and not in limitation thereof, said State Sanitary Code may contain sanitary regulations: (a) prohibiting nuisances hazardous to human health; (b)(deleted by amendment)(c) regulating the use of privies and cesspools; (d) regulating the disposition of excremental matter; (e) regulating the control of fly and mosquito breeding places; (f) regulating the detection, reporting, prevention and control of communicable and preventable diseases; (g) regulating the conduct of public funerals; (h) regulating the conduct of boarding homes for children; (i) regulating the conduct of maternity homes and the care of maternity and infant patients therein; (j) regulating the conduct of camps; (k)(Deleted by amendment, P.L. 1987, c. 302) (l) regulating the preparation, handling, transportation, burial or other disposal, disinterment and reburial of dead human bodies; (m) prescribing standards of cleanliness for public eating rooms and restaurants; (n) regulating the conduct of tattoo> parlors; (o) regulating the conduct of body piercing; and (p) regulating the conduct of cosmetic
Prior to the final adoption by the council of any sanitary regulation or amendment thereto or repealer thereof the council shall hold a public hearing thereon. The council shall cause to be published, at least once, not less than 15 days prior to such hearing, in each of the counties of the State in a newspaper published in each of said counties, or if no newspaper be published in any such county, then in a newspaper circulated in such county, a notice of such hearing, specifying the time when and the place where such hearing will be held, together with a
brief summary of the proposed regulation, amendment or repealer and a statement that copies of the text thereof may be obtained from the State Commissioner of Health and Senior Services or from the board of health of any municipality in the State. The State Department of Health and Senior Services shall prepare and make available on request thereof, copies of the text of such proposed regulations and changes therein in the manner described in such public notice.
L. 1947, c. 177, §§ 7; amended 1953, c. 165, §§ 1; 1974, c. 150, §§ 1; 1977, c. 224, §§ 12; 1987, c. 302, §§ 1; 1997, c. 326.
New Jersey Statutes
2C:40-21. Tattooing> of a minor; parental permission, required
1. A person commits a disorderly persons offense if he knowingly
L. 2001, c. 190.
New Jersey Statutes
26:2T-2. Written guidance for screening, diagnosis
2. The Commissioner of Health and Senior Services shall provide written guidance regarding screening for the hepatitis C virus to licensed physicians and public health officers which reflects current and accepted standards of medical and public health practice, consistent with the recommendations of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and encourages appropriate screening and diagnosis of all persons at high risk for hepatitis C infection as defined by the federal centers, including, but not limited to:
(1)veterans of the United States armed forces;
(2)women who underwent a caesarian section or a premature delivery prior to 1990;
(3)persons who received blood or blood products prior to 1992;
(4)persons who received an organ or tissue transplant prior to 1990;
(5)persons who have received invasive cosmetic procedures, including body piercing and tattooing;
(6)persons who have a history of multiple sexually transmitted diseases or multiple partners;
(7)persons with a history of intravenous drug use; and (8)such other categories of persons at high risk for hepatitis C infection as may be determined by the commissioner.
L. 1998, c. 116, §§ 2.
Copyright (c) 2002 by the New Jersey Office of Administrative Law
*** NEW JERSEY REGISTER, VOL. 34, NO. 11, JUNE 3, 2002 ***
@ 8:27-8.1 Training
(a) The practitioner shall have completed a 40-hour training program
approved by the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals or the International
Micropigmentation Association, prior to being certified and shall submit a
minimum of one photograph whereby the practitioner has personally performed
one complete procedure for each of the following areas:
1. Eye brow simulation;
2. Lip liner;
3. Full lip color; and
4. Eye liner/eyelash enhancer.
(b) The practitioner shall be certified by the American Academy of
Micropigmentation by February 19, 2004.
(c) A practitioner performing areola restoration shall have completed a
minimum eight hour training program approved by the Society of Permanent
Cosmetic Professionals or the International Micropigmentation Association.
(d) A practitioner shall have two years of experience prior to performing
camouflage repairs.
1. Pigment removal shall be done by or under the immediate supervision of
a physician.
2. All pigment removal solutions shall be labeled with ingredients,
including percentages of active ingredients, pH, preservatives and directions for use.
(e) An apprentice shall have completed a 40-hour training program
approved by the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals or the International
Micropigmentation Association, and shall perform under the direct
supervision of a practitioner a minimum of five of each of the following procedures:
1. Eye brow simulation;
2. Lip liner;
3. Full lip color; and
4. Eye liner/eyelash enhancer.
(f) Client records shall be maintained by the operator to verify that the
minimum requirements for the procedures were completed by the apprentice.
@ 8:27-8.6 After care
(a) After care shall be administered to each client following the
micropigmentation. After care shall consist of both verbal and written
instructions concerning proper care of the area. A copy of the written after
care instructions shall be signed by the client and kept on file with the
clients records. Instructions shall specify at a minimum:
1. Responsibilities and care specific to the site of the
micropigmentation following service;
2. Possible side effects;
3. Information regarding any physical, cosmetic or other restrictions;
5. Instructions to consult a physician if infection occurs.
@ 8:27-1.3 Definitions
The following words and terms, as used in this chapter, shall have the
following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
"Acceptable" means satisfactory or adequate; fulfilling the needs or
requirements of a specified rule.
"After care" means written instructions given to the client, specific to
the body art procedure(s) rendered, on caring for the body art and surrounding
area. These instructions shall include information on when it is necessary to seek
medical treatment.
"American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists" (ACGIH) means
that private nonprofit organization which, for the purposes of this chapter,
provides technical materials and expertise and is located at 1330 Kemper
Meadow Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45240.
"Antiseptic" means an agent that destroys disease causing microorganisms
on human skin or mucosa.
"Apprentice" means any person that performs the art of tattooing,
permanent cosmetics and/or body piercing under the direct supervision of a
practitioner in order to learn body art procedures.
"Approved" means written acceptance by the New Jersey State Department of
Health and Senior Services.
"Biological indicator" means a standardized viable population of
microorganisms known to be resistant to the mode of sterilization being
"Body art" means the practice of physical body adornment in permitted
establishments by operators utilizing, but not limited to, the following
1. Body piercing;
2. Tattooing; and
3. Permanent cosmetics.
"Body art establishment" means any place or premises, whether public or
private, temporary or permanent in nature or location, where the practices
of body art, whether or not for profit, are performed.
"Body piercing" means puncturing or penetration of the skin of a person
using pre-sterilized single use needles and the insertion of pre-sterilized or
disinfected jewelry or other adornment thereto in the opening.
"Branding" means scarification through the application of a heated
material (usually metal) to the skin, creating a serious burn which eventually
results in a scar.
"Camouflage" means the application of pigment into skin altered by scars,
pigment loss or color abnormalities of the skin so as to make the area
appear to be part of the natural, surrounding skin. Examples include treatment of
patients with scars from hair transplants, accidents, face lifts, breast reduction,
as well as pigment abnormalities including vitiligo.
"Chemical integrator" means a chemical or physical device designed to
provide an integrated response to various defined combinations of temperature, time,
and the presence of steam.
"Clean" or "cleanliness" means the absence of soil and dirt.
"Communicable diseases" means diseases or conditions diagnosed by a
licensed physician as being contagious or transmissible which include, but are not
limited to, the following:
1. Chickenpox;
2. Diphtheria;
3. Measles;
4. Meningococcal disease;
5. Mumps;
6. Pertussis (whooping cough);
7. Plague;
8. Rubella;
9. Scabies;
10. Staphylococcal skin infection (boils, infected wounds);
11. Streptococcal infections (strep throat);
12. Tine (ring worm); and
13. Tuberculosis.
"Contaminated waste" means any liquid or semi-liquid blood or other
potentially infectious materials; contaminated items that would release
blood or other potentially infectious materials in a liquid or semi-liquid state if
compressed; items that are caked with dried blood or other potentially
infectious materials and are capable of releasing these materials during
handling; sharps and any wastes containing blood and other potentially
infectious materials, as defined, N.J.A.C. 7:26-3A.
"Cutting" means a design cut into the skin or other soft tissue using a
sharp blade, leaving a scar. Often the design is immediately rubbed with ink
leaving a colored scar.
"Disinfection" means the destruction of disease-causing microorganisms on
inanimate objects or surfaces, thereby rendering these objects safe for use
or handling.
"Ear piercing" means the puncturing of ear lobe and the trailing edge of
the ear using a pre-sterilized single use stud and clasp ear piercing system
following manufacturer's instructions.
"Emancipated minor" means a person under 18 years of age that has been
freed from the legal authority, care, custody, and control of another by the
effect of a written law or court order.
"Equipment" means all machinery, including fixtures, containers, vessels,
tools, devices, implements, furniture, display and storage areas, sinks and
all other apparatus and appurtenances, used in connection with the operation of
a body art establishment.
"Establishment" means a physical place of business, permanent in nature,
and includes all areas used by a body art technician and clients, including, but
not limited to, treatment areas and waiting/reception area.
"Hand-sink" means a fixture equipped with hot and cold running water
under pressure, used solely for washing hands, arms or other portions of the body.
"Health authority" means a Registered Environmental Health Specialist or
Health Officer representing the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior
Services or the local health department.
"High level disinfection" means a process that kills vegetative bacteria,
tubercle bacillus, fungi, lipid and non-lipid viruses and bacterial spores.
"Hot water" means water which attains and maintains a temperature between
95 degrees and 110 degrees Fahrenheit.
"Implant" means any object implanted fully under the skin.
"Instruments" means body art equipment. Such equipment includes, but is
not limited to, hand pieces, piercing needles, needle bars, insertion tapers,
forceps, hemostats, tweezers, or other implements used to pierce, puncture
or be inserted into any part of the human body for the intended purpose of making
a permanent hole; or may come in contact with a client's body or possible
exposure to bodily fluids during body art procedures. Such equipment also includes
studs, hoops, rings or other decorative jewelry, materials or apparatuses inserted
in any part of the human body for the intended purpose of placement in the hole
resulting from piercing.
"Invasive" means entry into the body either by incision or insertion of
an instrument into or through the skin or mucosa, or by any other means
intended to puncture, break or compromise the skin or mucosa.
"Jewelry" means any personal ornament inserted into a newly pierced area,
and may be made of surgical implant grade stainless steel, solid 14 karat or 18
karat white or yellow gold, niobium, titanium, platinum, glass or a dense,
low-porosity plastic.
"Legal guardian" means an individual who, by legal appointment or by the
effect of a written law, has been given custody of a minor or adult.
"Lip" means either of the two fleshly parts or folds that surround the
mouth or oral cavity and are used for human speech.
"Low level disinfectant" means a process that kills most vegetative
bacteria, some fungi, and some viruses, but cannot be relied on to kill resistant
microorganisms such as mycobacteria or bacteria spores.
"Medical grade gloves" means a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Class I
medical device made of natural rubber, vinyl or synthetic material (that is,
neoprene, polyvinyl chloride, styrene butadiene) that is worn to prevent
contamination between client and practitioner.
"Needle building" means a process of assembling steel needles from a
loose pack into bundles or arrangements. The needles are then attached to a
stainless steel bar.
"Operator" means and includes the owner or the owner's designee having
ownership, control or custody of any place of business or employment and who
manages the day-to-day operations of the body art establishment.
"Permanent cosmetics," "micropigmentation" or "dermal pigmentation" means
the implanting of inert pigments, colors, and/or dyes intradermally which
results in permanent alteration of tissue to gain a cosmetic effect.
"Permit" means written approval by the health authority to operate a body
art establishment. Approval is given in accordance with this chapter and is
separate from any other licensing requirement that may exist within communities or
political subdivisions comprising the jurisdiction.
"Person" means one or more individuals, legal representatives,
partnerships,joint ventures, associations, corporations (whether or not organized for
profit), business trusts, or any organized group of persons.
"Physician" means a person who is licensed by the State Board of Medical
Examiners to practice medicine, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 45:9-1, 26:1A-9 et seq.
"Piercing instrument" means a hand-held tool manufactured exclusively for
piercing the earlobe, or trailing edge of the ear, into which studs and
clutches are placed and inserted into the earlobe by a hand-squeezed or spring loaded
action to create a permanent hole. The tool is made of plastic, stainless
steel or other material that is able to be disinfected.
"Practitioner" means any person that performs the act of tattooing,
permanent cosmetics and/or ear and body piercing.
"Premises" means the entire building or structure within which body art
services are provided.
"Processing equipment" means mechanical devices used for the cleaning and
sterilization of instruments used for body art, such as ultrasonic cleaners
and steam sterilization units.
"Procedure surface" means any surface of an inanimate object that contacts the client's unclothed body during a body art procedure, skin preparation of the area adjacent to and including the site of the body art procedure or any associated work area which may require sanitizing.
"Separate area" means an area away from public access and viewing,
isolated from a reception or waiting area, where piercings are conducted upon the
genital, nipple, or any other discretionary part of a person's body, or a
designated area which is segregated from other business activities or
services when ear piercings are conducted.
"Single use" means products, instruments or items that are intended for
one-time use and are disposed of after each use, including, but not limited
to, cotton swabs or balls, tissues or paper products, paper or plastic cups,
gauze and sanitary coverings, razors, needles, scalpel blades, stencils, ink cups
and protective gloves.
"Sterilization" means a process resulting in the destruction of all forms
of microbial life, including highly resistant bacterial spores.
"Suspend" means disciplinary action taken by the health authority.
"Tattooing" means any method of placing ink or other inert pigment into
or under the skin or mucosa by the aid of needles or any other instrument used
to puncture the skin, resulting in permanent coloration of the skin or mucosa.
This includes all forms of permanent cosmetics.
"Temporary establishment" means an establishment that has been issued a
permit by the local health authority to operate for the purpose of
performing body art procedures for not more than 14 calendar days in conjunction with a
single event.
"Tip" means the stainless steel replacement part that attaches to the
body of the tube.
"Tube" means the stainless steel component which is attached to the
tattoo machine and the tip.
"Universal precautions" means a set of guidelines and controls, published
by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as "Guidelines for
Prevention of Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis B
Virus to Health-Care and Public-Safety Workers" in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
Report (MMWR), June 23, 1989, Vol. 38, No. S-6, and as "Recommendations for
Preventing Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis B
Virus to Patients During Exposure-Prone Invasive Procedures," in MMWR, July 12, 1991,
Vol. 40, No. RR-8, both incorporated herein by reference. This method of
infection control requires the employer and the employee to assume that all
human blood and specified human body fluids are infectious for HIV, HBV and
other blood pathogens. Precautions include hand washing, gloving, personal
protective equipment, injury prevention, and proper handling and disposal of
needles, other sharp instruments, and blood and body fluid contaminated
"Work station" means the area or room used for the purpose of performing
body art procedures by a practitioner, operator or apprentice.
@ 8:27-7.5 After care
(a) After care shall be administered to each client following the
tattooing. After care shall consist of both verbal and written instructions concerning
proper care of the tattooed area. A copy of the written after care
instructions shall be signed by the client and kept on file with the clients records.
Instructions shall, at a minimum, specify:
1. Responsibilities and care specific to the site of the tattooing
following service;
2. Possible side effects;
3. Information regarding any physical, cosmetic or other restrictions;
4. Signs and symptoms of infection; and
5. Instructions to consult a physician if infection occurs.
@ 8:27-11.3 Criteria for closure
(a) The approval, license or permit of any person to operate a body art
establishment may be suspended at any time, when in the opinion of the
health authority such action is necessary to abate a present or threatened menace
to the public health.
(b) The following shall be reason(s) for closure:
1. Failure or lack of properly functioning equipment;
2. Unsanitary or unsafe conditions which may adversely impact the health
of the public;
3. The health authority has reasonable cause to suspect that a
communicable disease is, or may be, transmitted by an operator/ practitioner;
4. The practitioner(s) has demonstrated gross incompetence in performing
body piercing, ear piercing, tattooing, or micropigmentation;
5. The owner obtained or attempted to obtain a permit by means of fraud,
misrepresentation or concealment;
6. The owner or practitioner(s) has been convicted in this or any other
state of a crime directly related to the practice of tattooing, micropigmentation, body piercing or ear piercing;
7. The owner or practitioner(s) has permitted a genital piercing upon a
person under 18 years of age; or
8. The operator has failed to prevent implants, branding and cutting to
be performed in a body art establishment.
(c) The following shall be cause for, at a minimum, a seven-day
1. Failure to report to the health authority within 24 hours any
infection or injury requiring a medical referral;
2. Performing a body art procedure on any person under the age of 18
years of age, without the presence, written consent, and proper identification of a
parent or legal guardian;
3. Failure to notify the health authority within 24 hours of positive
biological indicator test result of the autoclave; or
4. Using an ear piercing instrument for any part of the body other than
the ear lobes and trailing edge of the ear.
@ 8:27-8.4 Permanent cosmetic procedures
(a) Over-the-counter cosmetics intended for public use cannot be left
open in a procedure room.
1. Only disposable applicators or surgical markers shall be used
following a permanent cosmetic procedure to avoid possible contamination.
(b) No permanent cosmetic procedure shall be done on skin surfaces which
have sunburn, rash, keloids, pimples, boils, infections, open lesions or manifest
any evidence of unhealthy conditions.
(c) Permanent cosmetic procedures shall not be performed on a client
during pregnancy.
(d) Permanent cosmetic procedures shall not be performed for a minimum of
one year on clients taking tretinoin medication.
@ 8:27-7.1 Training
(a) An operator shall furnish proof of having experience in the operation
of a tattooing facility as a full time occupation or a designated operator for
a period of at least 12 months and shall furnish all the following forms of
proof to fulfill this experience requirement:
1. A signed testament from a previous employer that the applicant has
been tattooing professionally for at least one full year;
2. A business license, tax records, business records or purchasing
records along with other proof that the applicant operates out of a legitimate
3. The make, model and serial number of applicant's autoclave listed on
the back of a photograph of the autoclave; and
4. One or more samples of the applicant's advertising.
(b) A practitioner shall have performed the art of tattooing as an
apprentice for a minimum of 2,000 hours prior to being qualified as a practitioner and
1. Furnish business records which may include tax records, references
from former employers, or certificates of course completion or memberships in
professional organizations such as the Alliance of Professional Tattooists
or other organizations recognized by the New Jersey Department of Health and
Senior Services;
2. Submit a minimum of 10 original photographs of tattoos which the
tattooist has personally performed and a minimum of three signed testaments from
previous clients; and
3. Provide evidence of completion of a bloodborne pathogen course by the
American Red Cross, Alliance of Professional Tattooists, or a provider
approved by the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services.
(c) An apprentice shall perform the art of tattooing at a tattooing
facility as an apprentice for a minimum of 2,000 hours under the direct supervision
of a practitioner.
@ 8:27-1.2 Scope
This chapter shall govern all businesses that offer tattooing, permanent
cosmetics, and ear and body piercing to the public with the exception of a
physician who is authorized by the State Board of Medical Examiners to
practice medicine, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 45:9-6 et seq. The provisions of the State
Sanitary Code shall have the force and effect of law. Under the authority of
N.J.S.A. 26:1A-9, the provisions are enforceable by the New Jersey State
Department of Health and Senior Services and local departments of health.
@ 8:27-1.1 Purpose
This chapter establishes sterilization, sanitation, and safety standards
for persons engaged in the business of tattooing, permanent cosmetics, and ear
and body piercing in order to protect the public's health.
@ 8:27-2.1 Procedure to locate and construct establishment
(a) Any person desiring to construct, expand, alter, or operate a
permanent cosmetic, tattooing, or ear or body piercing establishment shall apply in
writing to the local health authority for review and approval before such
construction, expansion, alteration or operation is begun. Such application
shall include the following information:
1. The applicant's legal name, home address and telephone number, full
business name, business address, post office address and telephone number.
The application shall also include whether the applicant is an individual,
partnership, firm or corporation. If the applicant is a partnership, the
names and addresses of the partners shall be included on the application. If the
applicant is a corporation, the names and addresses of all corporate
officers shall be included on the application;
2. Plans and specifications shall illustrate the location of the proposed
establishment and a floor plan of the establishment as it is proposed to be
operated. An exact inventory of all processing equipment as it is to be used.
Plans shall indicate the layout of the reception area, the procedure areas,
the cleaning and sterilization area, the storage area and the toilet facilities;
3. A statement of approval from the municipal agency responsible for the
administration of planning and zoning ordinances for the proposed
construction or expansion of the body art establishment;
4. A complete description of all services to be provided, the proposed
hours of operation, the name of the operator and the names of all practitioners
and their exact duties, a copy of the informed consent for each procedure;
5. The names and addresses of all manufacturers of processing equipment,
instruments, jewelry, and inks used for any and all body art procedures;
6. The make, model and serial number of the applicant's steam autoclave
shall be printed on the back of a photograph of the autoclave; and
7. A copy of the manufacturer's specifications for operation of the
(b) All construction, expansion or alteration to the building,
structures, and facilities used by the public shall comply with the Barrier Free
Subcode, N.J.A.C. 5:23-7.
(c) All construction expansion or alteration, to the building,
structures, and facilities shall be done in accordance with the requirements of the New
Jersey Uniform Construction Code, N.J.A.C. 5:23.
@ 8:27-2.6 Prohibitions
(a) A person who violates a prohibition under this section shall be
subject to enforcement action authorized by this chapter, civil penalties as
provided by N.J.S.A. 26:1A-10 and all other applicable law and/or injunctive action as
provided by law.
1. Implants under the skin shall not be performed in a body art
2. Scarification such as branding and cutting shall not be performed in a
body art establishment.
3. No person shall perform any body piercing procedure upon a person
under 18 years of age without the presence, written consent and proper identification
of a parent or legal guardian.
4. No person shall perform genital piercing upon a person under 18 years
of age regardless of parental consent.
5. No tattoo or permanent cosmetics shall be applied to any person under
18 years of age, without the presence, written consent, and proper identification
of a parent or legal guardian.
6. No person shall practice or attempt to practice body art in a
non-licensed facility.
7. No person shall operate a facility unless it is at all times under the
direct supervision of an operator.
8. No person shall display a sign or in any way advertise or purport to
be a body art practitioner or to be engaged in the business of body art without
first obtaining a license or permit for the facility from the health authority.
(b) An emancipated minor shall be exempt from (a)3 and 5 above upon legal
proof documenting said emancipation.
@ 8:27-8.7 Pigments
(a) All dyes used for permanent cosmetics shall be nontoxic,
nonirritating to tissue, stable to light and inert to tissue metabolism.
(b) Pigments shall not contain talc, coal tar or any known carcinogens.
(c) Nontoxic materials shall be used when preparing dyes or pigments.
(d) Single use, individual containers for dyes or pigments shall be used
for each client and discarded after each procedure.
(e) Any excess dye or pigment applied to the skin shall be removed with a
single use, lint free paper product.
(f) A record of the dye(s) used for the tattoo, including the lot number
of each pigment, shall be maintained for each client.
(g) Colorants shall be free of acrylic monomers or polymers.
@ 8:27-7.4 Pigments
(a) All dyes used in tattooing shall be nontoxic, nonirritating to
tissue, stable to light and inert to tissue metabolism.
1. Pigments shall not contain talc.
(b) Nontoxic materials shall be used when preparing dyes or pigments.
1. Single use, individual containers for dyes or pigments shall be used
for each patron.
(c) Any excess dye or pigment applied to the skin shall be removed with
single use, lint-free paper products.
(d) Pigments shall be obtained only from a reputable tattoo supplier.
@ 8:27-8.5 Topical anesthetics
(a) Only over-the-counter topical anesthetics shall be used for permanent
cosmetic procedures by non-medical practitioners. A history of allergic
reactions to local anesthetics are an absolute contraindication for their
(b) Labeling for topical anesthetics used for permanent cosmetic
procedures shall be prepared by a FDA registered drug manufacturer and shall comply
with 21 CFR 333, Topical antimicrobial anesthetic over the counter products for
human use.
1. The name and lot number of each topical anesthetic used shall be
recorded for each procedure in the client's chart.
(c) No liquid topical anesthetics shall be permitted for use in the
proximity of the eye or eyelids.
1. Anesthetic eye drops are not permitted for permanent eyeliner
(d) Topical anesthetics are for external use only and not for injection
or use in the eye.
1. Local anesthetics shall not be added to pigments.
(e) No occlusive dressings or external heat sources shall be applied to
topical anesthetics used in proximity to the eye.
(f) No prescription topical anesthetics shall be used by practitioners
unless by or under the direct and immediate supervision of a licensed physician.
@ 8:27-8.3 Use of antiseptics
(a) The following shall be the minimum acceptable standards for the use
of antiseptics for permanent cosmetic procedures.
1. Before applying antiseptics, the practitioner shall thoroughly wash
his or her hands in hot running water with liquid soap, then rinse his or her hands
and dry with clean disposable paper towels.
2. When performing eyeliner or eyelash enhancement, the practitioner
shall wash the skin thoroughly with a cotton swab, eye makeup remover, water or
3. When performing eye brow procedures, the practitioner shall use a
Q-tip to thoroughly clean the area with soap and water or a 70 percent isopropyl
alcohol disposable wipe and allow the skin to dry before the procedure is performed.
4. When performing a permanent cosmetic procedure to any other part of
the body the external area of the skin shall be thoroughly cleaned with
Chlorhexidine, 70 percent to 90 percent isopropyl alcohol containing
products, iodophors or iodine compounds.
5. Once applied, the antiseptic shall be allowed to dry before the
procedure is performed.
@ 8:27-4.3 Medical consultation
(a) All body piercing and permanent cosmetic establishments shall establish a
written agreement with a licensed physician for consultative services which
shall, at a minimum, include skin conditions, after care procedures,
infections, and employee health issues.
(b) Any person who desires permanent cosmetics for the purpose of
camouflage of a medical disorder or disfigurement or areola restoration shall be under
the general supervision of a physician. The physician shall provide the
practitioner performing the procedure specific written instructions and guidelines. The
physician shall also provide the practitioner with a specific treatment plan
appropriate for the person's diagnosis.
1. The practitioner shall maintain the physician's written instructions
with the client's application for three years.
2. A client who desires cosmetic enhancement with no existing or
pre-existing medical disease/condition shall not be required to have medical supervision.
@ 8:27-3.1 Facility layout
(a) All facilities shall have a waiting area that is physically separated
from the work stations and equipment cleaning room.
(b) All facilities that reprocess reusable instruments shall have an
equipment cleaning room that is physically separated from the work stations.
Facilities that use all disposable equipment shall be exempt from this
1. Design shall allow adequate space for receiving, cleaning,
decontaminating, preparing and packaging.
2. Work flow and traffic patterns shall be designed to flow from soiled
to clean areas.
3. Suitable signs to designate soiled and clean work spaces shall be used
to limit the possibility of cross-contamination into clean work areas.
4. Hand washing facilities shall be operable and conveniently located in
the equipment cleaning room.
5. Manual cleaning of instruments shall be conducted in a sink of
sufficient size to process soiled instruments.
6. An emergency eye flushing device shall be provided where needle
building activities are performed.
7. Exhaust hoods shall be provided over needle building work areas and
shall have a dedicated exhaust directly to outside air.
(c) All rooms used for body art procedures shall be completely separated
from any room used for human habitation, food service or other such activity
which may cause potential contamination of work surfaces.
1. Display cases and retail sales shall be physically separated from work
(d) The work station shall not be less than 80 square feet. Facilities
existing as of February 19, 2002 are exempt from this requirement until
renovations to expand are conducted.
1. A separate room shall be provided for permanent cosmetics.
2. Partitions shall be provided between work stations. The partitions
shall be easily cleanable and kept in good repair. The partitions shall be at
least six feet in height and capable of providing complete privacy which is
required for nipple and genital piercings.
3. Storage cabinets shall be adequate to accommodate supplies needed for
the procedure in the room.
(e) At least one hand-sink with hot and cold running water under
pressure, and equipped with wrist, foot, or sensor operated controls and supplied with
liquid soap, and disposable paper towels shall be readily accessible and
provided for every two work stations within the body art establishment. All
body art establishments shall be in compliance with this subsection by no later
than August 19, 2003.
(f) Furniture in the procedure rooms shall be of nonporous materials and
cleaned and sanitized after each use.
1. Work tables shall be constructed of smooth easily cleanable material
and cleaned and sanitized between use.
@ 13:28-2.10 Ancillary services
(a) The holder of a shop license, other than a manicuring shop license,
may offer ancillary services related to the beautification of the body or the
enhancement of personal appearance, but not included in the definition of
cosmetology and hairstyling, on the licensed premises, provided that these
services are performed in a safe and sanitary manner by personnel who are
adequately trained to render such services, and that the space allocated for
such services is in addition to the space required by N.J.A.C. 13:28-2.5.
(b) If electrolysis for the removal of superfluous hair is offered, it
must be performed by an electrologist who has completed either a course or
program of training in electrolysis approved by the New Jersey State Department of
Education or another course or program of training in electrolysis
substantially equivalent to a course or program approved by the New Jersey Department of
(c) If tanning booths or tanning beds are utilized, they must be operated
by an individual who is appropriately trained in the use of the tanning
equipment. Manufacturer's instructions concerning the use and limitations on the use of
the tanning equipment must be scrupulously followed.
1. Appropriate warnings concerning possible hazards from over-exposure to
ultraviolet radiation must be posted in plain sight near the equipment and clients using the equipment must be verbally informed of such possible hazards.
(d) Permanent cosmetic application such as, but not limited to, tattooing
and permanent make-up, is prohibited on any licensed premises.
@ 8:27-7.3 Equipment and supplies
(a) A sterile needle shall be provided for each client.
1. Solder used for the attachment of needles to the needle bars shall be
lead free.
(b) Art stencils shall be single use and disposable.
(c) Ointments shall be single use or foil packs.
(d) Soaps and other products shall be dispensed and applied on the area
to be tattooed with paper towels or gauze or in a manner to prevent contamination
of the original container and its contents.
(e) The gauze shall be single use and shall not be used more than once.
(f) Use of styptic pencils or alum solids to check any blood flow shall
be prohibited.
(g) Sterilized needles, tubes or tips shall be on hand for each
practitioner for the entire day, based on the average client need per day.
@ 8:27-8.2 Personal protection
(a) The following precautions shall be taken by the practitioner during a
1. Wearing a clean, single use, water impervious gown;
2. Using medical grade gloves at all times;
3. Wearing a fluid resistant mask. The mask shall be changed if it
becomes splattered or moist with blood or body fluids; and
4. Using protective eye wear to cover all exposed skin and mucous
membranes of and around the eyes.
@ 8:27-10.1 Issuance of permit
(a) Temporary establishments shall be governed by all the rules of a
permanent establishment as set forth in this chapter.
(b) A temporary establishment may be authorized for body art procedures
provided outside of the physical site of a licensed establishment for the
purposes of product demonstration, industry trade shows, and/or educational
@ 8:27-10.3 Operation
(a) The operation of a temporary establishment shall be in compliance
with all of the requirements of this chapter.
(b) The temporary establishment shall be inspected by the health
authority and a permit shall be issued prior to any procedures being performed.
(c) Body art performed pursuant to this section shall be done only in a
completely enclosed non-mobile facility (for example, inside a permanent
(d) Conveniently located hand washing facilities with liquid soap, paper
towels and hot and cold water under pressure shall be provided.
1. Tuberculocidal single use hand wipes to augment the hand washing
requirements shall be available in each booth/cubicle.
(e) The work area shall not be less than 40 square feet.
(f) At least 100 foot-candles of artificial light shall be provided at
work stations.
(g) Facilities to properly sterilize instruments shall be physically
separated from procedure areas.
1. A biological indicator test shall be performed at the site prior to
the event. A negative spore test shall be provided to the health authority.
2. Pre-packaged single use instruments or previously pre-packaged
sterilized instruments shall be allowed.
(h) A notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place in each booth/cubicle
containing the name and address of the practitioner and the procedure for
filing a complaint or reporting an infection.
1. This procedure for filing a complaint or reporting an infection shall
be given to each client with the written after care instructions, which shall
be signed and maintained with the client's records.
@ 8:27-7.2 Shaving and preparation of the skin
(a) The first step in skin preparation shall be washing the area with
soap and water.
(b) A single use disposable razor shall be used in shaving as necessary.
1. The razor may be disposed as general garbage only if the client's skin
has not been broken during shaving.
2. The razor shall be disposed as regulated medical waste if the client's
skin has been broken.
(c) Upon completion of shaving the client's skin, the skin and surrounding area shall be washed with soap and water. The pad used for washing the skin and surrounding area shall be discarded after a single use.
(d) The skin and surrounding area shall be washed with a solution of 70
percent to 90 percent isopropyl alcohol and allowed to dry before starting
the procedure.
New Jersey Pamphlet Laws
CHAPTER 190 of 2001
AN ACT requiring parental consent prior to the tattooing or body piercing of minors.
BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:
C. 2C:40-21 Tattooing of a minor; parental permission, required.
1. A person commits a disorderly persons offense if he knowingly tattoos or engages in body piercing of a minor under the age of 18 years without first having obtained the written permission of the minor's parent or legal guardian or, if neither exists, a person who stands in place of a parent.
2. This act shall take effect on the 120th day following enactment.
Approved July 31, 2001.
We're legal
by Rose Marie Beauchemin
Over the past 10 years, permanent cosmetics had been presented to several of the New Jersey State Boards for regulation, each one deciding they wanted nothing at all, to do with it. From the New Jersey State Board of Cosmetology to the State Board of Medical Examiners, we were tossed down the line. Apparently, when a state board decides to govern a particular industry, they must set up the rules for practicing within that profession. This would include the development of the parameters for teaching the skill, a test for the practitioners to be sure they’re to be considered skilled and of course the tests require grading, as well. This regulating board must arrange to provide the necessary certificate or license for the practitioner applicants. They must also inspect the practitioner’s premises to be sure that they are operating according to the set regulations and operating a clean and sanitary space and that the practitioner has the required certificate or licenses openly displayed. As part of the New Jersey regulations, inspectors will also be required to open practitioner’s files to be sure that data and photographs have been recorded properly. The point is that in many cases existing state agencies are not looking for more work. Accepting the task of regulating and monitoring a new industry can simply be overwhelming and they may not have the task force to support the required duties. How’s that for diplomacy?
When all of the seemingly appropriate state boards have refused to govern a particular group, it is the board of health and safety that must do so. We belong to a profession that violates tissue and the blood barrier, using needles and this cannot be ignored by the board of health and safety. To quote Anthony Monaco, Project Coordinator for the New Jersey Public Health Sanitation and Safety Program, “We were a people without a country.†Anthony Monaco has done an incredible job in giving all forms of body art, including permanent cosmetics, tattooing and body piercing, not only a country, but much credibility.
Mr. Monaco began more than two years ago, contacting many people from each industry and developed an advisory panel. Linda Courey Degman, Michele Nicole and myself were on that panel, representing permanent cosmetics. We were highly committed to this task. (Mrs. Degman, who was pregnant, amazingly managed to attend every meeting, right up to the delivery of her son. Ms. Nicole flew in from Florida at her own expense.) We all knew it was going to be long bumpy road, meeting with much resistance from all sides. Mr. Monaco had to please and appease many people. Mr. Monaco and the entire department had the best of intentions and they were to protect the professionals and stamp out the permanent cosmetic nonprofessionals, the tattoo cowboys and the, ‘cool, piercing sounds like fun,’ novices, that just decide to try it on their friends. (usually minors) As we well know, these can all be dangerous procedures and with our New Jersey Shore Resorts, the summers were becoming a nightmare with non professionals coming in to take advantage of our short, ten week seasonal frenzy. Our Boardwalks were invaded by these nomads who performed all of the above procedures. Meanwhile, the responsible professionals and business owners are made to look bad as the complaints file in to state health officials, in a steady stream. Many are by hysterical parents whose kids have been pierced or tattooed by these characters that practiced without rules or safety, yet alone professionalism. Mr. Monaco and his team’s intention was to protect the responsible practitioners and prevent this kind of damage, on all levels, to everyone.
Several meetings were held and it was decided that the department would seek regulations, guidelines and tests that were already in place by the non profit organizations, within our industry. This would move things along much faster than re-inventing the wheel. Therefore, The Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals (SPCP) training guidelines were utilized and The American Academy of Micropigmentation (AAM) Certification Test was also implemented. Utilizing the SPCP training guidelines would insure that no two (2) day training operations would be considered acceptable or appropriate to perform permanent cosmetics. Also an apprenticeship was put in place that follows the initial 40 hour training. The apprentice will be required to complete a total of five (5) eyeliner procedures, five (5) brows, (5) lip procedures, all under the direct supervision of an approved instructor, then be required to pass the initial test administered by the approved training institute. They will receive a certificate from the training institute for this segment of the program. The apprenticeship will extend the training over a period of approximately two (2) to three (3) months, depending on the motivation of the apprentice. Once the apprentice has passed this initial test and completed the required procedures, they will be given the AAM test and if passed, be considered fully certified. The usual one year waiting period for this test will be waved due to the length of the apprenticeship and the assured experience of this trainee. This final certificate will be issued by the AAM for operation of this practitioners clinic.
Grandfathering: Those who are practicing permanent cosmetics that have not taken a minimal 40 hour training program will be required to make up the training that they did not receive and it must be with an SPCP approved instructor. For example, if an existing practitioner had only taken a two (2) day course initially, they must take another 2 to 3 day course to complete 40 hours of training. They will not be required to serve an apprenticeship. Existing practitioners have a 2 year grace period to take and pass the AAM test.
Every practitioner will be required to have a consulting contract or agreement with a physician, who will agree to consult with us or our client, if we request so. It simply tells the state that we have someone to consult with when we have a medical question or require medical clearance. This contract does not require the physician to supervise or take responsibility for our practices. It merely says, a physician is there if we need them. It is our responsibility to go to them, when we deem appropriate. Medical clearance is not required for cosmetic procedures on normal, healthy skin.
Medical clearance is required by practitioners who will be performing areola and camouflage. Areola grafts and all grafts can not be tattooed without medical clearance. A representative from the NJ State Board of Medical Examiners, felt strongly that some grafts can become necrotic (die) if traumatized and the regulating state department honored his concerns.
Now, the state inspectors need to be introduced to these regulations and understand what they are to look for during an assigned inspection. Each group, (body art, permanent cosmetic and piercing) was asked to prepare a Power Point Presentation on the main points of their industry regulations, which was to be presented at the 5 strategically selected locations, throughout the state. An announcement was mailed to all of the related practitioners, throughout the state. The American Academy, The Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals, Derma International and my mailing lists were all contributed in order to reach every permanent cosmetic practitioner in the state. The other groups contributed theirs, as well.
The attendance ranged at approximately 150 per session and the audience was highly eclectic. It was comprised of state officials that have studied blood pathogens their entire life, dozens of state inspectors who were quite conservative and tattooists and body piercers. There were only one or two permanent cosmetic practitioners, at each session, although 90 to 100 invitations were sent out. It was interesting to see the melding take place at the coffee and lunch breaks. Everyone conferred and contributed, greatly. It was quite exhilarating to be a part of this process. Mr. Monaco and his team listened closely to all concerns raised by each group, throughout each 7 hour session and then he would explain the state’s position and the benefit that it would serve. His manner is quite considerate and also extremely disarming.
I elected to open my segment with a thank you to the tattooists that saw the potential in permanent cosmetics, knew that early on, we had been exploited and left armed and dangerous. I thanked them for stepping across the line to teach us everything we know about equipment, pigments and getting pigment into skin. I felt this was the perfect opportunity to show appreciation for their assistance and support. The interesting thing that I have always found is that we have had the support of many tattooists whether or not they had any interest in performing permanent cosmetic procedures. Either way, they shared. I would bet they just considered it a rescue mission.]
A question and answer panel was formed after both the morning and afternoon segments. A representative from each group that served on the advisory board was on this panel.
