Police leader: We need more officers with tattoos - they break the ice with the public
Police leader: We need more officers with tattoos - they break the ice with the public
July 25, 2011
By Jack Doyle
Mail Online
Looking professional and well turned-out is perhaps the least you'd expect from the police.
But a leading officer says a ban on showing tattoos should be lifted because it is 'stigmatising'.
Ian Pointon, chairman of the Police Federation in Kent, claimed tattoos can act as an 'icebreaker' when dealing with the public.
He said being able to show off body art while on duty could help them communicate with people.
Rules in all 43 forces in England and Wales prevent officers showing tattoos which could cause offence to colleagues or the public. This includes images which are deemed discriminatory, intimidating or which depict violence.
Tattoos on the face or upper neck are also banned.
But Mr Pointon said the Kent force should 'get over' its opposition.
'It comes down to personal taste and a generational gap in attitudes,' he said. 'There have been no complaints from the public about officers' tattoos.
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'They can actually be a good way to start a line of communication with the public. It can be a bit of an icebreaker. The days of tattoos being stigmatised should be over.'
Recruitment rules for the Metropolitan Police suggest tattoos can detract from an officer's 'professional image'.
Streetwise: If rules were changed, more would display tattoos
Streetwise: If rules were changed, more would display tattoos
They state: 'Anyone who has a tattoo which could be construed as offensive to any religion or belief, or is in any way discriminatory, violent or intimidating, will not be accepted to join the Metropolitan Police Service.
'This is irrespective of where the tattoo appears on your body. Any tattoos on the face or visible above the collar are not acceptable if you wish to apply for a uniform role.
'The quantity and size of tattoos will also be taken into consideration – several tattoos or large or garish ones will to be considered with regard to the impression that they may give to members of the public or colleagues.'
Mr Pointon's suggestion was rejected by the Kent force.
Assistant Chief Constable Allyn Thomas said: 'There is an expectation that officers and staff maintain a standard of appearance and dress considered professional, smart and approachable while on duty
