Shenanigans Tattoo Parlor
Shenanigans Tattoo Parlor
422 S Gay St,
Auburn, AL 36830
(334) 821-7250
In Iowa, boredom breeds a dangerous psychosis. The inner workings of one’s mind are truly distorted until only madness remains. Enter Conan O’Shight. The co-founder of Shenanigans spends most of his time utilizing his graphic design degree to improve upon near perfect German engineering, breaking Guinness bottles over his fat Irish fatty fat spoon head, and preparing his mohawk for the apocalypse.
After coming to the conclusion that tattoos are just graffiti that can’t be painted over by crotchety shop owners, Nils joined the crew here at Shenanigans using most of his paycheck to keep supplied with spray paint, ninja stars, and a vigilante campaign against the man that would make even Dick Cheney afraid to pump his shotgun.
The gulf of Mexico provides the south with a vast array of epic disasters. From our notorius hurricanes, to alligator riddled marsh-lands, to drunken cavemen swarming the beaches at spring break, the tumultu-ous gulf has produced more than its fair share of damage to an unsuspecting populace. Amidst the dust and destruction of this angry sea rises the silhouette of Shenanigans newest member. Amber Gauge. Trained amongst these very conditions in the fine art of body piercing, she has honed her craft to ensure a steady hand, a precise eye, and a whimsical smile with every prick. Even though her moniker sounds like a porn star name, don't bother with that Google image search, Amber is the exclusive employee of Shenenigans Tattoo.
Raised on a steady diet of spaghetti westerns and reruns of the Addams family, Griff grew (and grew!) until finally joining the Shenanigans crew bringing with him an arsenal including a graphic design degree, a collection of t-shirts that border on insanity, and a personality that can give furniture orgasms just by sitting on it.
