State of Florida Laws for Tattooing and Piercing
State of Florida Laws for Tattooing and Piercing
The laws for tattooing are very specific. Tattooing falls under Statute 877.04. Basically all tattoo studios are required to be reviewed and inspected twice a year. Also every tattooist shall have semiannual training in sterilization, infection control and emergency procedures. All tattooists should be able to show you their current educational certificate for their yearly training. You should receive written and oral instructions on the care of your tattoo.
No one under 18 shall be tattooed without the written notarized consent of the parent or legal guardian. The parent or legal guardian must be present if the minor is under 16. Legal guardian means the person appointed by the courts to be the minor’s guardian.
The piercing laws are similar to tattooing but fall under State of Florida Health Department Regulations. All piercing establishments must be licensed by the county. All piercers must undergo a State approved course prior to beginning to pierce. All piercers are required to attend a State approved course on a yearly basis after that. All piercers should have a certificate of attendance showing they have complied with the law. Always check the date to ensure it is valid. Look close to make sure they didn’t alter the dates. You should receive written and oral instructions on the care of your piercing.
The State of Florida laws for piercing minors is exactly the same as the tattooing laws for minors. These laws are State of Florida laws and must be complied with by all tattooists and piercers. Any person tattooing or piercing a minor without the required notarized consent is breaking the law!
