Tattoo Designs - Celtic Symbols Of Strength Tattoos
Tattoo Designs - Celtic Symbols Of Strength Tattoos
December 6, 2010
William Burrell
the Celts were a tough, strong people who loved to fight. They were a tall, muscular people who dyed their hair blond and painted their faces blue and appeared naked in battle. They had a reputation as skilled, ruthless warriors, which made them sought after as mercenaries.The Romans and the Greeks called them barbarians.
Yet, with all this, they were also known for their chivalry and their courage. They were known as fierce warriors but they were also artists, poets and musicians. They were skilled artisans as seen in their metal and artwork. An intricate knot work, developed over time, is uniquely theirs. Wearing a Celtic tattoo connects you to this unique heritage.
Your strength tattoo
Wearing a Celtic knot work tattoo can be a symbol of strength. You can make a strong statement to the world you are proud of your Celtic or Christian heritage - a symbol from which you can take strength.
It can simply be that you gain strength by connecting to a people with a history of bold deeds, great accomplishments and a rich mythology. Where would you find your strength? You might gain strength from nature or one of it creatures. If this is the case, then your tattoo can have your favourite animal image interwoven in the knot work, which is a specialty of Celtic artwork. If are more drawn to the Celtic Otherworld you may choose a mythical creature from their folklore.
The Celtic cross and circle have their roots in nature worship, which predates Christianity - the sun, the moon and animals. You might gain strength by connecting to the Universe with those ancient symbols. Knot work designs alone can be strength tattoos but Celtic tribal tattoos can be even more dramatic.
Armbands or larger back drawings are an ideal way to display the designs. Their bold lines are expressions of strength in themselves, add to that your favourite design or one that has special meaning to you and you have a powerful symbol.
You have a great deal of choice, as there is a vast array of designs developed over many years. With a little research you should be able to find your Celtic strength tattoo.
