Tattoo Laws Colorado - United States
Tattoo Laws Colorado - United States
NOTE: There are no specific federal or state regulations, but frequently local zoning and licensing regulations limits these operations.
NOTE: The Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment has rules regarding the use, sterilization, and disposal of needles or other instruments used to puncture the skin.
Dept. of Public Health & Environment
Disease Control & Epidemiology Division
4300 Cherry Creek Dr. S.
Denver, CO 80222-1530
Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists
1.01 In addition to the definitions found in section 12-8-103, C.R.S., the following shall apply as used in these rules and regulations:
A. "COMMUNICABLE DISEASE OR CONDITION" means a disease or condition which may easily be transmitted to another through unsanitary or unsafe practices or by airborne bacteria
B. "FIXED SHOP" means a permanent specific location where one or more persons engage in the practice of barbering, cosmetology, manicuring or skin care.
C. "HAZARDOUS" means capable of causing an unplanned, uncontrolled, dangerous result.
D. "INDEPENDENT SHOP OPERATOR" means a person who leases space in a fixed or mobile shop, is free from control and direction in the performance of the services provided, owns the assets of the business, manages and controls all aspects of the business, has ultimate responsibility for all decisions, and can realize a profit or loss.
E. "MOBILE SHOP" means a self contained, self supporting, enclosed mobile unit where one or more persons engage in the practice of barbering, cosmetology, manicuring or skin care, at a temporary location.
F. "SEGREGATED IN STORAGE" means separated so as to prevent mixing through leakage, spillage, or breakage, by an adequate distance or through the use of physical barriers such as partitions or separate shelving arrangements.
G. "STERILIZE" means the process of rendering an object asceptic by the destruction of all bacteria and viruses whether beneficial or harmful.
H. SANITIZE" means treatment by any process that safely reduces the bacterial count and destroys viruses, including pathogens to a safe level on instruments, equipment and other articles.
I. "SINGLE USE ARTICLE" means any article constructed and intended to be used one time on one person then immediately discarded.
J. "MULTI-USE ARTICLE" means any article constructed and intended for use more than once on more than one person. Such articles shall be constructed of smooth, durable, easily cleanable material that can be sanitized or sterilized.
K. "JURISDICTION" means a state, territory of the United States, or a foreign country. (Adopted August 5, 1991).
L. "RESPONSIBLE AGENCY" means the body or entity responsible for licensing or certifying individuals to practice barbering, cosmetology, manicuring or cosmetician services in a jurisdiction. (Adopted August 5, 1991)
2.01 Licensee requirements.
A. All personal licenses shall be conspicuously displayed in public view at each working station.
B. When a license is lost or stolen, the licensee shall notify the Board in writing within five (5) days and shall pay the required fee for the issuance of a duplicate.
C. A licensee shall notify the Board in writing of any change of name or address within fifteen (15) days after such action and shall supply any required documents to verify or substantiate any name different from that supplied upon the original application.
2.02 Application for an original license.
A. All applicants for an original license shall submit to the Board the appropriate application form with all required documents and the appropriate fee.
B. Upon approval for licensure by the Board, the license shall be issued promptly and shall expire on the date prescribed by the Executive Director of the Department of Regulatory Agencies.
C. No applicant shall provide any barbering, cosmetology, manicuring, or skin care services until in possession of the actual license.
2.03 Application for renewal of license.
A. All licenses shall expire on the date specified on the license and shall be renewed prior to that date.
B. Application forms to renew a license shall be mailed to the address last reported in writing to the Board. Failure to receive the renewal application does not excuse the licensee from renewing the license prior to expiration.
C. Applicants for renewal who do not submit the Board provided application form or those whose application is inaccurate or incomplete shall be processed only after all complete and accurate applications.
2.04 Personal cleanliness and service requirements.
A. All licensees shall utilize sanitary equipment, tools, and supplies, and shall him or herself employ good hygiene habits while providing barbering, cosmetology, manicuring or skin care services in a registered fixed or mobile establishment, or when providing these services as a free lance operator or an independent shop operator.
B. A licensee may refuse services to a client if the licensee has reason to believe that the client has a communicable disease or condition. The licensee shall be guided in such cases by the Colorado Department of Health.
3.01 Complaints.
A. Written complaints regarding public welfare, health and safety, sanitation, or unlicensed activity, or other matters, may be investigated by the Board if the allegations are within the jurisdiction set forth by the laws and rules and regulations.
B. (Rule repealed October 1, 1990).
C. All establishments registered, or those which should be registered according to the laws, shall permit an investigation by any member or staff employee of the Board, and of representatives of local or state health agencies or departments during working hours which is conducted pursuant to proper statutory authority. (Revised October 1, 1990).
4.01 Requests for board review.
A. Any person effected by these rules and regulations has the right to appeal to the Board for relief. When, in the opinion of the Board, there are extenuating circumstances and that strict application of the rules and regulations would impose an undue hardship, the Board may grant the applicant's request for relief.
B. Any person who wishes to make an appearance before, written request, or appeal to the Board, shall make a written request for Board review which shall be received in the Board office no later than seven days prior to the Board meeting date by 12:00 noon.
C. Requests for appointments to address the Board may be reviewed by the Board's staff and any item which is complete at the time of filing and requires Board review may be set on the Board's agenda.
D. A Board agenda will be mailed to any person scheduled to appear and to all interested parties who have made written request for Board agendas. The location of the meeting, date and time will be printed on the agenda.
4.02 Declaratory orders.
A. Any person may petition the Board for a declaratory order to terminate controversies or to remove uncertainties as to the applicability to the petitioner of any statutory provision or of any rule or order of the Board.
B. The Board will determine, in its discretion and without notice to the petitioner, whether to rule upon any such petition. The Board shall promptly notify the petitioner of its action and state the reasons for such action.
C. In determining whether to rule upon a petition filed pursuant to this rule, the Board will consider the following matters, among others:
1. Whether a ruling on the petition will terminate a controversy or remove uncertainties as to the applicability to petitioner of any statutory provision or rule or order of the Board.
2. Whether the petition involves any subject, question or issue which is the subject of a formal or informal matter or investigation currently pending before the Board or a court involving one or more of the petitioners.
3. Whether the petition involves any subject, question or issue which is the subject of a formal or informal matter or investigation currently pending before the Board or a court but not involving any petitioner.
4. Whether the petition seeks a ruling on a moot or hypothetical question or will result in an advisory ruling or opinion.
5. Whether the petitioner has some other adequate legal remedy, other than an action for declaratory relief pursuant to rule 57, Colo. R. Civ. P., which will terminate the controversy or remove any uncertainty as to the applicability to the petitioner of the statute, rule or order in question.
D. Any petition filed pursuant to this rule shall set forth the following:
1. The name and address of the petitioner and whether the petitioner is licensed pursuant to section 12-8-101, C.R.S.
2. The statute, rule or order to which the petition relates.
3. A concise statement of all of the facts necessary to show the nature of the controversy or uncertainty and the manner in which the statute, rule or order in question applies or potentially applies to the petitioner.
E. If the Board determines that it will rule on the petition, the following procedure shall apply:
1. The Board may rule upon the petition based solely upon the facts presented in the petition. In such a case:
a) Any ruling of the Board will apply only to the extent of the facts presented in the petition.
b) The Board may order the petitioner to file a written brief, memorandum or statement of position.
c) The Board may set the petition, upon due notice to petitioner, for a non-evidentiary hearing.
d) The Board may dispose of the petition on the sole basis of the matters set forth in the petition.
e) The Board may request the petitioner to submit additional facts in writing. In such event, such additional facts will be considered as an amendment to the petition.
f) The Board may take administrative notice of facts pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act, Section 24-4-105(8), C.R.S., and may utilize its experience, technical competence and specialized knowledge in the disposition of the petition.
g) If the Board rules upon the petition without a hearing, it shall promptly notify the petitioner of its decision.
2. The Board may, in its discretion, set the petition for hearing, upon due notice to petitioner, for the purpose of obtaining additional facts or information or to determine the truth of any facts set forth in the petition or to hear oral argument on the petition. The notice to the petitioner setting such hearing shall set forth, to the extent known, the factual or other matters into which the Board intends to inquire. For the purpose of such a hearing, to the extent necessary, the petitioner shall have the burden of proving all of the facts stated in the petition, all of the facts necessary to show the nature of the controversy or uncertainty and the manner in which the statute, rule or order in question applies or potentially applies to the petitioner and any other facts the petitioner desires the Board to consider.
F. The parties to any proceeding pursuant to this rule shall be the Board and the petitioner. Any other person may seek leave of the Board to intervene in such a proceeding, and leave to intervene will be granted at the sole discretion of the Board. A petition to intervene shall set forth the same matters as required by Section 4.02.D of this rule. Any reference to a "petition" in this rule also refers to any person who has been granted leave to intervene by the Board.
G. Any declaratory order or other order disposing of a petition pursuant to this rule shall constitute agency action subject to judicial review pursuant to Section 24-4-106, C.R.S.
5.01 Procedures to Apply for Registration.
A. No person shall provide barbering, cosmetology, manicuring, or skin care services at a place of business unless the location is registered with the Board.
B. Each application shall consist of the following:
1. A complete application form as provided by the Board which provides each owner's name and address and the street address of the place of business;
2. The required fee, unless the applicant is exempt pursuant to Section 12-8-114.5(3), C.R.S., as amended, which provides that an owner of a place of business possessing a valid license on or before July 1, 1990, need not register.
(Rule revised October 1, 1990).
C. (Rule repealed October 1, 1990).
D. (Rule repealed October 1, 1990).
E. (Rule repealed October 1, 1990).
6.01 General sanitation and safe practices.
A. Barbering and cosmetology services shall not be conducted at any location which does not comply with health, safety, and sanitation requirements for shop operation set forth in these rules. Compliance with these rules does not infer compliance with other requirements set forth by federal, state and local laws, codes, ordinances, and regulations as they apply to business operation, physical construction and maintenance, safety, and public health. (Revised October 1, 1990).
B. All licensees shall practice in a manner which emphasizes the safe provision of services to all persons.
C. Licensees shall not attempt to perform any service outside the scope of practice of the license type he or she holds. Possession or storage of equipment, supplies and products required to perform barbering, cosmetology, manicuring and skin care services shall be considered prima facie evidence of use.
6.02 Building and equipment requirements.
A. Floors, ceilings and walls.
1. The floor surface in the working area of a shop shall be kept clean, in good repair and free of hair, articles dropped, spills or other hazards.
2. Walls and ceilings in the immediate work area(s) shall be kept clean.
3. Safe access to and egress from the shop shall be provided.
B. Equipment.
1. The top of workstands or back bars shall be kept clean.
2. A sink or shampoo bowl shall be located within the working area, kept clean, and adequately supplied with soap or shampoo.
3. Service chairs and manicuring tables shall be kept clean and sanitized after use.
4. The work area shall be free of clutter, trash, and any other article which may cause a hazard.
5. Heat producing appliances and equipment shall be placed in a safe location.
6. Electrical cords shall be placed to prevent entanglement by the client or licensee.
7. Electrical outlets shall be safely covered by plates.
8. Electrical appliances and equipment shall be in safe working order at all times.
C. Ventilation.
1. All establishments registered by this Board shall be sufficiently ventilated by appropriate means to exhaust hazardous or objectionable airborne chemicals to control chemical exposures, and to allow the free flow of air.
D. Lighting.
1. Adequate lighting shall be provided by safe and accepted sources.
6.03 Cleanliness, sanitation and safety.
A. Any multi-use article, tool or product which can not be cleansed or sanitized is prohibited and shall not be used upon a client unless it is discarded after its initial use.
B. Tools, implements, linens, and multi-use articles shall be cleaned, sanitized or sterilized prior to use upon each client by any method which will meet public health standards.
C. Spatulas or other clean tools shall be used to remove bulk substances from containers. Products prepared for a single service from bulk supplies which were not used during the service and were contaminated during preparation or application shall be discarded.
D. No substance other than a sterile styptic powder or sterile liquid astringent approved for hemostasis, applied with a sterile single use applicator shall be used to check bleeding.
E. All establishments registered by this Board shall be maintained in an insect, rodent, and animal free condition. Fish, and hearing, seeing eye or police dogs are exempt.
F. Storage of tools, implements, and supplies.
1. All sharp tools and implements, and heat producing appliances shall be safely stored.
2. Pre-sanitized tools, implements, linens and equipment shall be stored for use in a sanitary enclosed cabinet or covered container.
3. Soiled tools, linens and implements shall be deposited in a receptacle separate from those which are clean or pre-sanitized.
G. Chemical storage and use.
1. Chemicals used to provide services to clients or chemical cleaning, sanitizing, and sterilizing products, shall be stored in a manner that maintains public safety and health.
2. Registered owners of a place of business and licensees shall adhere to product manufacturers' directions for use and storage of a product.
3. In the absence of manufacturers' instructions regarding proper storage, flammable chemicals shall be stored in a flammable storage cabinet or a properly ventilated room. Chemicals which could interact in a hazardous manner (oxidizer, catalysts and solvents) shall be segregated in storage.
4. Chemicals used to provide services shall be mixed in an area which has adequate ventilation and NOT within twenty five (25) feet of an open flame or an electrical device.
5. Chemically saturated towels and waste shall be removed from the work and storage area and placed in covered containers.
6. Written material safety data relative to product content, hazards standards and first aid/medical treatment for those products use of which can endanger the public shall be secured and provided upon request.
H. Waste disposal.
1. Single use articles and disposable supplies and products shall be disposed of immediately after use in a covered receptacle.
2. Any disposable material coming into contact with blood or other body fluid shall be disposed of in a sealed plastic bag.
I. Water supply.
1. A safe and adequate supply of hot and cold running water through a mixing faucet shall be provided.
6.04 Additional requirements of mobile units.
A. All storage cabinets shall be secured by the use of spring struts or friction catches in mobile shops.
B. All equipment shall be securely anchored to the mobile unit.
C. No services shall be performed while the mobile unit is in motion.
7.01 Cosmetology Course
Sanitation, sterilization and safety 45
Permanent waving and chemical relaxing 250
Hairstyling – wet styling, hair pressing and iron curling 250
Massage, skin care and makeup 100
Shampoo and scalp treatments 75
Hair tinting and bleaching 225
Hair cutting 225
Basic manicuring and pedicuring 75
Application of artificial nails 135
Laws, rules and regulations 25
Management, ethics, interpersonal skills and salesmanship 25
Occupational safety and health 20
TOTAL 1450
B. Safety, sanitation and sterilization shall also be taught in each subject area as it pertains to the specific application.
7.02 Manicuring course.
Sanitation, sterilization and safety 70
Basic manicuring and pedicuring 75
Application of artificial nails 135
Laws, rules and regulations 25
Management, ethics, interpersonal skills and salesmanship 25
Occupational safety and health 20
7.03 Cosmetician course.
Sanitation, sterilization and safety 70
Electricity, chemistry and light therapy 235
Massage, skin care and makeup 175
Laws, rules and regulations 25
Management, ethics, interpersonal skills and salesmanship 25
Occupational safety and health 20
7.04 (Rules expired June 1, 1991; House Bill 91-1257 did not provide for extension.)
7.05 Barber course.
Sanitation, sterilization and safety 45
Permanent waving and chemical relaxing 250
Massage and skin care 150
Shampoo and scalp treatments 150
Hair tinting 135
Hair cutting – styling 300
Shaving, honing and stropping 150
Laws, rules and regulations 25
Management, ethics, interpersonal skills and salesmanship 25
Occupational safety and health 20
TOTAL 1250
B. Safety, sanitation and sterilization shall also be taught in each subject area as it pertains to that specific application.
7.06 The required training hours in any course may vary by up to 25% in each subject area, but shall equal the overall total hourly requirement.
7.07 The Board may credit hours earned in like course work which was previously achieved in one training program towards hours required in another training program.
8.01 Dates for the administration of examinations shall be determined by the Board and barber and cosmetology schools shall be notified of the scheduled dates.
8.02 Only persons who have completed all requirements set by the Board and have made proper application shall be allowed to sit for the examination.
8.03 The following material is required for examination registration and shall be submitted to the Board no later than 5:00 p.m., eleven (11) days prior to the announced examination dates:
A. Record verifying completion of hours of training, signed by the appropriate school representative or, in the case of out of state trainees, by a state board representative;
B. Proof of graduation from a barber or beauty school;
C. Completed and signed application form with all required additional material as listed on the form;
D. Required fee.
8.04 Applicants registering to retake certain portions of the examination shall submit a retake fee and the immediate previous examination results form.
8.05 Written instructions to include the location, date and time to appear shall be mailed no less than seven (7) days prior to the administration date to all applicants approved for examination. If an applicant has not received examination instructions within three (3) days of the scheduled administration date, the applicant shall notify the Board and verbal instructions shall be given.
8.06 Applicants shall not wear clothing, badges, pins or other items which disclose the school where training occurred during the examination process.
8.07 Examinations shall consist of both a written examination and a practical or skills demonstration.
A. Administration of written examinations:
1. Notebooks or notes shall not be allowed in the examination room.
2. Examination booklets and scoring cards shall not be returned to the applicant.
3. Promptness for the examination as scheduled is mandatory. Any applicant appearing after the time scheduled shall be dismissed.
B. Administration of practical demonstrations:
1. The examination applicant shall furnish a live model who shall be at least 16 years of age.
2. The examination applicant shall furnish all supplies and tools required to demonstrate the services evaluated during the examination.
3. Promptness for the examination as scheduled is mandatory. Any applicant appearing after the time scheduled shall be dismissed.
8.08 Scores resulting from an examination shall be mailed to the applicant promptly. Any applicant wishing to have his or her scores released to another party shall submit a score release form to the Board at the time of application. The release shall be signed by the applicant. Scores shall not be released to any party other than the examination applicant if the applicant fails to file the results release form with the application.
9.01 The Board shall determine the passing scores for written and practical examinations.
9.02 The Board shall establish criteria to be evaluated and rated during the practical examination in each subject area. To successfully pass the practical examination, an applicant shall pass each subject area.
9.03 An applicant shall have successfully passed both the written and practical examination to qualify for licensure by examination and shall submit the original licensure fee and the immediate previous examination results form as application for licensure.
9.04 Any applicant passing both the written and practical examination who does not apply for licensure as set forth within these rules within three (3) years from successful completion of the examination shall be required to reapply for examination and shall be reexamined and successfully pass both the written and practical examination in order to qualify for licensure.
9.05 Applicants need not repeat portions of the examination which they have passed. However, if the entire examination is not passed within three (3) years, they shall be required to repeat the entire examination in order to qualify for licensure.
9.06 Unsuccessful applicants may request written evaluation of their performance which was not successfully completed during the practical skills demonstration if the request is made in writing within ninety (90) days from the date the applicant last sat for the examination. Unsuccessful applicants shall not be allowed to review the written examination questions.
10.01 Any person currently licensed or certified in good standing in another jurisdiction wishing to apply for a license in Colorado shall submit a written record which has been completed by the responsible agency for licensing or certifying in the jurisdiction in which they are licensed or certified. This record shall verify the number of hours of training attained by the person, examination information including the type of examination administered and the scores the person achieved, and licensing information including first issue date, current status, and whether disciplinary action has ever been taken or is pending against the person.
This record shall be signed and dated by the responsible official within ninety (90) days of submission to the Board. If the documents are not written in English, the person shall provide a certified English translation. (Revised August 5, 1991).
10.02 A copy of the person's current license or certificate from the same jurisdiction as that which provided the record set forth in Rule 10.01 shall also be submitted for review. (Revised August 5, 1991).
10.03 The following standards shall be considered as substantially equivalent to requirements in Colorado for licensure and if all standards are met, the person shall be approved to apply for the respective license by endorsement:
A. the person's license or certificate shall be active, current, and in good standing;
B. the person shall not have failed a Colorado administered examination in the respective profession within the preceeding one year;
C. the person shall have qualified for a license or certificate in the jurisdiction after having passed both a written and performance or practical examination substantially equivalent to examinations administered in Colorado, and the examinations shall have been administered by the responsible agency;
D. the person shall have accumulated the minimum number of credits in the respective profession as set forth in these rules.
(Revised August 5, 1991).
10.04 The minimum number of credits required for approval to apply for a license by endorsement in the respective profession shall be as follows:
A. Cosmetologist. Twenty-nine (29) credits of which at least twenty-four (24) were earned by completion of training approved by the responsible agency in the appropriate jurisdiction.
B. Barber. Twenty-five (25) credits of which at least twenty (20) were earned by completion of training approved by the responsible agency in the appropriate jurisdiction.
C. Manicurist. Seven (7) credits of which at least five (5) were earned by completion of training approved by the responsible agency in the appropriate jurisdiction.
D. Cosmetician. Eleven (11) credits of which at least eight (8) were earned by completion of training approved by the responsible agency in the appropriate jurisdiction.
(Revised August 5, 1991).
10.05 The credits required by Rule 10.04 shall be accumulated as follows:
A. One (1) credit for each 50 clock hours of original training within the respective course, attained at a school approved by the authority held responsible for school approval in the appropriate jurisdiction;
B. One (1) credit for each 100 clock hours of apprenticeship training within the respective course or profession, attained at a location approved by the authority held responsible for approval of apprenticeship programs in the appropriate jurisdiction;
C. One (1) credit for each 1,000 clock hours of actual working experience in the respective profession after licensure or certification by the appropriate jurisdiction.
(Adopted August 5, 1991).
10.06 Affidavits verifying working experience shall be completed by the person's previous employer(s) on a form supplied by the Board, and shall be signed by the employer(s). If work experience was obtained in a shop that the person owned or if it is not practical to obtain an affidavit from a person's previous employer(s), other documents acceptable for verification may include, but need not be limited to, federal and state income tax forms verifying the months of operation during the period being claimed.
(Adopted August 5, 1991).
10.07 Any person who has been approved by the Board to apply for a license by endorsement shall prove identification by:
A. appearing in person at the Board's office or an approved alternate location with adequate pictured identification; or
B. submitting a Certification form furnished by the Board completed by a Notary Public.
(Adopted August 5, 1991).
10.08 Any person actively and currently licensed or certified in good standing in another jurisdiction who does not meet the qualifications for licensure by endorsement in Colorado shall be permitted to sit for the respective examination upon proper application.
(Adopted August 5, 1991).
10.09 Any person previously licensed or certified in another jurisdiction who does not qualify to be issued a Colorado license by endorsement and who does not hold an active and current license or certificate in good standing shall be required to meet all minimum requirements to sit for the respective examination as set forth in these rules.
(Adopted August 5, 1991).
11.1 (Rule repealed November 1, 1990).
11.2 (Rule repealed November 1, 1990).
11.3 (Rule repealed November 1, 1990).
11.4 (Rule repealed November 1, 1990).
11.5 (Rule repealed November 1, 1990).
11.6 (Rule repealed November 1, 1990).
11.7 (Rule repealed November 1, 1990).
11.8 This Section 11 shall be repealed on November 1, 1990, pursuant to section 12-8-124.5(9)(b), C.R.S., as amended.
