Tattoo Removal Gives Ex-Cons New Start
Tattoo Removal Gives Ex-Cons New Start
May 12, 2012
Austin Lewis
Mark Martin, the owner of Georgia Boyz Ink Work in Dublin, didn't always own his own business and have a family.
About 12 years ago, he was in prison, but he changed his life, and he's helping others to do the same. Martin offers free tattoo removal for those who have gang and prison tattoos on their face and hands.
"The tattoo vanish is just another one of those things that if I can help somebody out because of the road that I traveled then I am willing to help them out," said Martin.
He said talking to his grandpa in prison, made him realize that he had to change the direction his life was going in.
"My grandpa, he passed away. When I was incarcerated and locked up, I called him one day and he asked me to look out the window cause all my friends was standing there. And I went to look out the window and there wasn't nobody standing there, so then I realized I had to change people, places and things to make my life better."
Martin says many people along the way gave him a second chance and he hopes the tattoo removal does the same for other people who are just getting out of jail and looking to start over.
Martin is removing the facial tattoos of Christopher Truelove got out of jail in September and says the service is a great help.
"I mean people look at you, and they're like you see a dude with horns on his face and you know, you're like should I really give this guy a second chance," said Truelove.
Truelove says he got those tattoos in prison and he's glad to have Martin not only remove them but support him in turning his life around.
"It means alot it's just a great push, it just makes you want to do right, you know what I mean. It's just people behind you, it's like yeah, you know it's alright, you know it wakes you up in the morning for real," said Truelove.
Martin also works with the Salvation Army. He's collected over 400 pounds of food for the organization.
