Tattoo Symbolizing Marine Life Causes Jacksonville Vet to Lose Red Lobster Job
Tattoo Symbolizing Marine Life Causes Jacksonville Vet to Lose Red Lobster Job
September 24, 2010
Len Keise
First Coast News
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- A disabled Marine Corps veteran, fired from his server position at Red Lobster because his tattoo broke restaurant policy, has received good news.
After First Coast News aired his story, Red Lobster called Kyle Reed today and offered him a position as a host. He has accepted the job and will report to work tomorrow.
Two weeks ago, he was hired for the first time at the Regency Red Lobster as a server. "After four months of being unemployed, to have an offer like this from Red Lobster, I was very excited, very motivated," said Reed.
That motivation was dealt a surprising blow Tuesday.
"I rolled up my sleeves like they asked me to, which is part of their server dress code, and they stopped me and said I don't know if you can work today," said Reed.
Reed was sent home after managers saw a Devil Dog and tag tattoo that stretches partly down his right arm symbolizing his years of service in the Marine Corps.
"It's something that we kind of did together for our Marines that we lost," said Reed.
He was told visible tattoos are not allowed on servers. Restaurant managers never told him that in the hiring process, said Reed, and the policy is not outlined in the employee handbook he received.
"I'm sitting there pleading with these people saying I can cover this up, I can do this, anything to keep my job and they just turned me away," said Reed.
Reed is honorably discharged from the Marines and no longer able to serve due to a disability. He's now back in school, and said he desperately needs a job to make a living.
"I got very emotional. I'm just someone trying to make an honest living, trying to do the right thing," said Reed.
But today, a Red Lobster corporate spokesperson said the company contacted Reed after hearing his story.
The company rehired Reed at the same restaurant but in a different job that allows tattoos. Reed was rehired as a host, a position that does not restrict tattoos.
According to Reed, managers had told him his tattoo wouldn't prevent him from working in the kitchen at the restaurant. Since none of those positions are open, they had to terminate him.
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