Tattoo VIdeos
Tattoo VIdeos
Welcome to the World’s most popular website on the Internet for videos on everything to do with tattoos and tattooing.
There is no other website around that has as many videos on tattoos and tattooing posted and categorized for easy viewing as this website has.
Only on this website can you:
* Watch interviews with master, old timer tattoo artists such as Lyle Tuttle and others
* Get an inside view on what goes on at tattooing conventions around the world
* Watch videos on how artist do their tattoos
* Learn about the history of tattoos and tattooing
* Learn the secrets of Japanese tattooing.
* Learn about pop culture icons such as Mr. Cartoon and other interesting personalities.
* Everything to do with the hit television shows Miami Ink and LA Ink on the Internet.
But that is not all! Because the realm of body art has become as mainstream as it is today and coupled with the practical need for some body art to be truly temporary, the result is that the mediums of body painting, face painting and temporary tattooing have become more relevant to the world of tattooing by association. Therefore this website will begin to feature body-painting from now on and we hope that you enjoy this addition.
Due to the costs of the this website’s redesigns along with the costs of the maintenance and for hosting, this website will slowly be converted into a paid membership website in order to cover these incurred costs.
It will be a one time membership fee of: USD$9.99
Additional details
We are not too happy with this impending change however the good news in this, is that with some money in our pockets will facilitate leasing the rights to feature documentaries and movies.
We are also installing a membership system which will allow you to create a personal profile and in some cases, we’ll allow you to upload your own videos, or allow you to post your videos directly onto the website with links back to your business or tattoo studio.
