Tattoo parlor, bar, salon combo is the focus of new reality show
Tattoo parlor, bar, salon combo is the focus of new reality show
May 19, 2012
Melissa Mack
11 Alive Atlanta
ATLANTA -- A new tattoo parlor, bar, salon trifecta in Midtown is about to be famous.
Camera crews are swarming Inkaholiks LLC shooting for a new reality show titled "Inkaholiks Anonymous." And, it's owners say there's plenty to see.
PHOTOS | Film Crew Shoots Reality Show at Inkaholiks in Midtown
"The day-to-day fun, the tattoos, the bar, the salon, we've got all three things working like a little freight train here, and it's a lot of fun," said co-owner Shane Perry. "There's a lot of fun happening here every day."
Perry owns Inkaholiks, at 1878 Piedmont Avenue, with Uche Nwaneri, an offensive guard for the Jacksonville Jaguars.
"I expect it to be successful," added the NFL athlete. "We're kind of taking it from a different angle. We're not necessarily looking at it as a hard-core, biker-style, rock-style tattoo show. It's something for the grown and sexy. It appeals to a mass audience. That's really one of the things people have embraced about Inkaholiks: it's a very open environment here, a very fun place to be."
Perry says the network SPIKE is interested in picking up the reality show, but since fliming started, they're getting a bit more interest.
"It's become intense and excited," Perry said. "I think we may do some shopping around first."
11Alive spotted crews filming at the business Friday night. No one inside seemed to mind the cameras. In fact, Nwaneri said the cameras only make things more entertaining.
"That brings in that element of excitement," Nwaneri said. "People let themselves go when they see the cameras rolling."
