Teens and Tattoos: Some Parents Grant Permission, Others Make Kids Wait
Teens and Tattoos: Some Parents Grant Permission, Others Make Kids Wait
October 3, 2010
The Ledger
Sixteen-year-old Pauline Jarvis of Lakeland has a tattoo, but getting one wasn't black and white.
Under current Florida law, anyone can have a tattoo, but those younger than age 18 require a notarized consent form signed by a parent or legal guardian.
Nicole and Ronnie Jarvis granted permission for Pauline to have a tattoo. They didn't make this decision lightly, but agreed eventually due to the nature of the tattoo, which was designed to memorialize Pauline's grandfather.
"My grandpa passed away and I wanted something to remember him by. A tattoo was something I could have permanently, symbolic of our friendship and my love for him," Pauline said.
Tattoos as a form of self-expression are gaining popularity among teens and young adults. Fueled in part by younger celebrities sporting body ink, tattoos are seen as less controversial than in the past.
"I thought if she wants this so bad she's going to go and get one," Pauline's mother said. "I didn't want her to go somewhere dirty or risk getting a disease. I wanted some control.
"I knew the relationship she had with her grandpa and losing him affected her deeply. I knew this wasn't something she would regret. Her emotions were so tied to him we thought this would help with some closure."
Pauline's parents were involved in selecting the tattoo and where on her body it would be located. Once they were satisfied it would be tasteful and on an area easily covered, they completed the consent paperwork and had it notarized. Jarvis and her husband were present when Nicole's tattoo was done at Wildside Tattoos in Lakeland.
While she approved her daughter's first tattoo, Jarvis said she would not have given permission for a tattoo for any other reason and said she will not give Pauline permission for additional tattoos while she is younger than 18.
Other local parents' opinions differ on whether or not it is appropriate for teenagers to mark themselves so permanently.
Brenda Peterson of Lakeland denied permission to her son and daughter when they asked for tattoos as teens. At 28 and 24 now, they went on to get tattoos once they reached adulthood but their mother doesn't regret making them wait.
"I figured it was an adult thing. I don't have a problem with tattoos in general, just not while underage," Peterson said.
A single mom, Peterson describes herself as having been quite strict, but her teens accepted her decision.
"I'm very happy I made them wait. Parents try too hard to be hip and cool and be their teens' friend. My concern was to be a parent first," she said.
Pauline, a student at George Jenkins High School in Lakeland, said she's seeing more and more kids at her school with tattoos.
Kody Heavenridge, a tattoo artist at Lou's Tattoos in Mulberry, has seen an increase in the number of teens coming to the studio for tattoos.
"Within the last five years, it has picked up. We attribute this to the popularity of the TV shows like 'L.A. Ink' and ' Miami Ink' - these have made tattoos more popular, they are not so taboo anymore," Heavenridge said.
Heavenridge said his shop insists parents come and pick up a consent form, that it be notarized and the teen be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian when the tattoo artist begins their work. This enables them to check IDs thoroughly per the legal requirements and ensure that the parent is 100 percent aware of the process, the tattoo design and location.
"If it's not something they're likely to regret, we'll do it. Sometimes if artwork or wording is questionable, we will try to steer the kids away from this and get them to think about their future, because it's the right thing to do.
"At Lou's Tattoos we don't do anything on a kid that can't be hidden by a normal T-shirt at school," Heavenridge said.
Kristen English, 26, formerly of Lakeland and now of Lewisville, Texas, had her first tattoo at 15 and a second at 17. Both required written parental consent, and English's father was present when she had her first tattoo, a butterfly on her ankle, done.
"I'm not sure exactly why I wanted one. I wasn't into piercings like other girls. I just got on a kick that I wanted a tattoo," English said.
English talked to her parents about the decision and had to do some convincing before her parents finally agreed.
English's mother, Janice English of Lakeland, insisted that Kristen's tattoo be discreet and easily hidden.
"I was a little shocked at first because (Kristen) was not one to want to get something because everyone else had it.
"It's almost like a rite of passage . . . personally I would approve of a tattoo before a piercing. Some piercings are pretty ugly whereas a tattoo can be an art form," Janice English said.
Janice English adds that any parent dealing with a teen seeking permission for a tattoo should discuss it openly with them.
"This can affect job opportunities, future relationships. Removal is expensive. Look at all aspects," she said.
Kristen English is a college graduate and works for American Airlines. None of her tattoos are visible while she's at work and have not affected her career to date.
Florida laws on tattoos for minors will tighten in January 2012 when it will no longer be legal for a minor younger than age 16 to be tattooed except for medical or dental purposes. Any minor between 16 and 18 will have to have a notarized consent form signed by the parent or legal guardian. The parent or guardian also will have to accompany their teen while the procedure is done.
