Underground Art, Inc.
Underground Art, Inc.
2287 Young Avenue
Memphis, TN 38104
(901) 272-1864
And just like that, it's hot. We hate to point out the obvious, but damn. Summer in Memphis is not for the weak spirited or the faint of heart. It's living under a magnifying glass held by a mean kid, hot. You know where it's not hot, here in our shop. It's super cool here, not just in a perfectly mussed hair and painfully tight pants way, but also literally. Come on in and soak up some cool. While your at it, get an awesome tattoo or piercing, guaranteed to make you exponentially cooler (and who doesn't want that right about now).
It's been a month or so since Underground Art has had a French guest artist, this will not stand. Coming back to Memphis and Underground Art is the one, the only, Nico; envied by many, adored by all. If you haven't had a chance to partake of this man's talent you are living a bland existence, indeed. Come in and let Nico light up your life. Nico will be here for the month of July, longer if we manage to successfully hobble him (or find him a wife).
In other shop news our newest addition, Ivy McLemore aced her pathogens test and is now working with machines and this freaky fake skin we have. She is performing marvelously under the watchful eyes of Vanessa, David and Jake, who are all amazed at the rapidity with which she is learning. Soon enough she will be ready for real skin, which is exponentially less freaky than fake skin (one hopes, at any rate). We will keep you abreast of her progress. If you haven't met Ivy, feel free to stop in and give her encouraging words...and small animal skeletons, she loves those.
David Feather Evans remains the hardest working man in tattooing. He is laying down fantastic tattoos, 20 years later. Come in and let him share his experience and wisdom with you. He may even serenade you, if you are lucky.
Vanessa Waites is busy whipping Ivy into shape, but not too busy to do amazing tattoos. She has been working her magic on her clients, turning their old terrible tattoos into things of beauty and wonder. She is like Ozma of Oz, granting tattoo wishes left and right, only without that soft focus glow, or that bedazzeled Pope hat, and with a tattoo machine instead of a wand...oh, and no Munchkins...but other than that she is just like that witch. Make an appointment for her to wave her magic parts in your direction, she'll send you home, transformed.
Jake Meeks is loving fatherhood, anew. In addition to his grueling responsibility as the Earl of Nutbush, his title of Admiral, his role as father, he still manages to come to the shop Tuesdays and Thursdays to satisfy the insatiable tattoo desires of his clients. They will not let him rest, he rises to the occasion with grace and unmitigated talent.
Our piercer, Eva Brewer has amended her schedule to accommodate her Baby Dragon, Demian. Eva will be working Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. If you haven't had the pleasure of a piercing by Eva, you are missing a sweet experience. She will slip jewelry into you with precision, nurturing you every step of the way. There really is something to be said for a mother's touch.
Angela-soon to be hyphenated-Russell will be married as of July 3rd to one Cristofir Bradley. Come by and give her some congratulations, perhaps in the form of spoken word, a ballad, a Roth IRA...please, we must insist, no interpretive dance, really.
